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Hello and scope advice

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Hello everyone,

I've enjoyed reading the various discussions about which scope is best.

I currently do most of my observing with binoculars and a 60mm refractor from indoors (not ideal I know - I can hear the laughter from here! - but getting safely outdoors isn't an option until the weekends unfortunately).

I would appreciate your views on which scope would be a good upgrade that would improve my views of the planets to show a little more detail such as the bands on Jupiter etc:

1) Skywatcher Capricorn 70mm

2) Skymax 90

3) Skywatcher Startravel 80mm

I mostly look at the moon, planets and some of the brighter clusters and haven't ambitions to see deep sky even when outdoors as I live in the city.

Any opinons or advice on this would be much appreciated especially with the view as to whether a refractor or Mak would perform equally well or badly depending on your opinion from within indoors.

Many thanks

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Hi and welcome to SGL

Given your observing interests the 'best' scope would be the Skymax-90. It has the largest aperture of the scopes you mention and the optical setup is suited to planetary and lunar viewing.

Suggested accessories would be a moon filter, colour filters (for planetary viewing), a dew shield and a Barlow lens. If you get the EQ1 mount as part of the bundle you may want to consider an upgrade to something more substantial at a later date.


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