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Which Globular?


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Are there any globulars still imagable at the moment?

Don't necessarily need to be big Messier ones, smaller ones are ok... I want to try out my RC6 at 1.4m fl and a globular seems a good bet for such a slow scope.

I guess at f9 unguided they'll need to be fairly bright... though having managed to get reasonable results on M3 and M13 with just 30 second subs through my f7.5 refractor I should be ok.

Any thoughts?

Also, is there much advantage in taking much longer exposures on globulars? I guess picking up feinter stars in them is good, but do they just tend to burn out into a big white mass after a certain exposure length?



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There's M56 in Lyra, it's a little bit small. And you could try the nearby and even smaller M57, Ring Nebula as well, which also seems to show up pretty well on full moon nights and in slower scopes.

Are there any globulars still imagable at the moment?
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