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Sharing Large Images

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I've been playing with my 'new to me' DSLR camera and taken what I think is a pretty good image of the moon.

I'd like to post it.

However to get the full benefit I'd like to post the full size file.

I've tried loading it into flickr and Picasa but both insist on reducing the size of the image, flickr will let you share full size if you pay them but I have other plans for my money.

So is there anywhere I can share the full resolution ~3500x2500 pixel image?

thanks in advance


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i use (a lot of forum members use it now) dropbox) https://www.dropbox.com/home

its like a virtual flash drive that sits as a folder on your computer, when u drop things into it it syncs with its "cloud" and then you can access it anywhere with the web interface.

if you put things into its public folder, it gives you its link which u can give people (i usally do for any one who wants a go at the origional 100+mb file)

they offer a referial program, that for every member that clicks a link generated from another member, you both get 250mbs of extra data

http://db.tt/kQWzSdY is mine, but for obvious reasons you dont have to click my link to get it, you can use the above link for the same thing

edit: rereading your origonal post a few extra times, its sharing the file but you cant imbed it into say html code like that

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