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starting from scratch

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I am due to get my heq goto in the next few days and would like to ask some questions please re imaging. I have a toucam and I have a DSLR Camera, can I assume that anything deepsky, galaxies, ect are done with a DSLR Camera and planets are best done with the Toucam. For instance I am going to have a go at a galaxy and to be honest I am at a loss to know what I should use. I am proficient with the general use of my DSLR, Bulb, manual settings ect, so look forwards to any tips.

I have K3CCD and am ok using registax.


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Must have missed this and I'm surprised that nobody has already posted.

For deep sky stuff, use the DSLR. Focusing is a pain in the butt, but there are some tips in here ( I posted some so there must be).

Alignment is paramount otherwise you will get nasty trails, the ISO should be as high as you can get with your DSLR to begin with at least.

You will need a T mount nosepiece to suit your DSLR to allow it to fit the 'scope, or alternatively use a camera lens. 200mm focal length or more should be enough to get some kind of image, but you need to use a fast lens if this is your method. Anything over f/5.6 will be frustrating as focusing and framing will take an age.

If you have a remote release, use this, and use the mirror lock up function if you have one.

Most of all, have fun.

Captain Chaos

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If you intend using the 350d for imaging i would recomed you get a Stilletto 1V focusser as it makes to process a 30 second job instead of trail and error.

They are not cheap but you can get them second hand from time to time.

The only reason i sold mine was a got a "proper" ccd camera rather than use a DSLR

Apart from this all that CC has said is good advice

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