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Are crosshairs helpful in collination?

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My collimation tools are an orion collimating cap,chishise eyepiece-(without crosshairs in it) and an auto-collimator.

The method I use is puting a piece of colored paper under the focuser and a piece of white paper in front of the secondary mirror.

The chishire eyepiece is put in the focuser tube and positioned roughly arround the secondary. Eyeballing the secondary position is difficult. Would the crosshairs allign the rotation of the secondary? I think this is the most difficult. I guess what I'm trying to ask is what it can do. Other than my collimation tools. I'm thinking of buying a combination chishire with crosshairs. I don't think you can buy them separately. Pat

Too many stars too little time


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I dont think the cross hairs will help with aligning the secondary. I just use a colli cap to align the secondary. Corsshairs used just to align the donut on the primary but there may be other methods.

Could you add cross hairs to your existing cheshire? Perhaps using some electrical wire?

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