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First Go at NGC7023


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When ever I see pictures of the Irish Nebula from astronomers on here I'm always blown away of how it looks. So last night I tried to capture it from my backyard. I'm sure this is a very challenging target to capture and even more challenging from a light polluted area. I'm not 100% happy with the picture. Is it even possible to bring out the dust from this one at a light polluted area? The 5min subs were just entering the middle of the histogram.

Target: Iris Nebula/NGC7023

Telescope: Celestron SP-C6

Mount: Vixen Super Polaris/guided

Camera: Full Spectrum Canon 300D Rebel with CLS Filter

Subs: 15x5min ISO 400, 10x5min Darks, 10 Flats


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When ever I see pictures of the Irish Nebula from astronomers on here I'm always blown away of how it looks.

Can we petition to have it re-named the Irish nebula? I like it :-)

Sorry, not taking the mick!

Nice pic of what I believe to be a very hard target.

Maybe try it at ISO800, see if more of the dust comes out?

Even with 10 min subs using a dedicated astro CCD I think the dust is hard to get.


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Can we petition to have it re-named the Irish nebula? I like it :-)

Maybe try it at ISO800, see if more of the dust comes out?


I would sign that petition, even though I try and say Iris it always seems to sound like Irish.

Here are two pictures, the first one is ISO400 at 356sec and the second one is ISO800 at 236sec. I went with ISO at 356sec for the whole night thinking that ISO400 would be less noise. Wouldn't the ISO800 at 236 be the same as ISO400 at 356.





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