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Hello its me again!

I am super confused about which eyepiece's to get for my Skywatcher 200p and really just want to observe the Orion Nebula, Cigar galaxy, Andromeda galaxy, and the Moon as well as others obviously - The Planets aswell :icon_scratch:

Can someone advise a couple of eyepieces please and not options even though there very nice.

Many Thanks, :)

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200P I am assuming the f/5 version.

So FL = 1000mm

Planets do OK at 120x-150x, so means an eyepiece of 8.3mm to 6.6mm

Andromeda is 3 degrees across.

With a FoV of 52deg that means a mag of 17.33x say 15x, so eyepiece of 66mm.

Basically you are not going to get the whole Andromeda galaxy in the view of any eyepiece.

All other DSO's are smaller.

Orion is fractionally over 1 degree. To get that in an eyepiece means (again an EP of 52 deg) a mag of 50x so an eyepiece of 20mm

So for planets we have something about 8mm and for most DSO' one of 20mm or less for additional magnification.

If the scope is f/5 you may need better then the budget eyepieces, although many praise the GSO plossl's.

TV plossl's are said to work OK down to f/4 and they make 8mm and 20mm offerings. Later consider getting the 11mm.

There are also TMB planetry's which I suspect cover focal lengths that are given (Check on Sky's the Limit)

Depends on the budget and if the scope is f/5.

WO make SWAN's but these are not rated for scope faster then f/6. If yours is not the f/5 but something like f/6 then perhaps the WO SWAN set may be an option.

TMB Planetary's are in: 2.5, 3.2, 4, 5, 6 and 9mm offerings, so no 20mm.

StL also off clones in: “TMB Designed”

Focal Length: 2.5, 3.2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 20 & 25mm

Field of View: 58°

So 8 and 20 available in those, and others.

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I've the same scope.

There is a lot of mis-direction about EPs and fast scopes, I'm afraid!

The best advice us to 'suck it and see!'

What's good for one person may not be good for another. I've tried lots of different EPs, some of which aren't supposed to be good with fast scopes and I found the majority where fine to very good.

You don't need to spend a fortune. BSTs are good, as are orthos. Best bet us to buy them 2nd hand here or at Astro Buy Sell. Keep the ones you like, sell on those you don't.


- TheThing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Can someone advise a couple of eyepieces please and not options even though there very nice.

Misdirection on good or bad for a scope or not, I don't own a 200P, and so it is a simple answer to the posters question that I gave.

What is your recommendation as you own one?

Tha after all was the question.

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I'm a bit confused as you already have a good set of plossl's with a wide range of mags in your Revelation kit -

Plossl 9mm

Plossl 12mm

Plossl 15mm

Plossl 20mm

Plossl 32mm (projection / visual)

Barlow x2

Is there something that you are not happy with regarding the kit?

Although they are just standard Plossl's they get decent reviews, I had a similar set of Meade 4000's to start with. I used them for a whole season and experimented with different mags on DSO's and planets.

What I found was for me - planets were best with a 6mm EP (x166), small DSO's 9mm (x111), most DSO's 14/15mm (x71.4/x66.6) range, for larger and finding DSO's 25/32mm (x40/x31.25).

I've now upgraded a couple of times and decided I liked a wider FOV (field of view) compared to a standard plossl. I then made the mistake of looking through some Televue EP's at a star party and I'm starting this season with an Etho's in my EP box, ultra wide 100 degree FOV (but you do pay a premium for it!! :))

With the exception being my 6mm Ortho which is optimised for contrast on planets but has a narrower FOV compared to even a standard plossl. I also have a 5mm TMB (x200) for those nights of good seeing on the planets when you can up the mag. :icon_scratch:

I have a 33mm SWAN and yes you don't get pin sharp stars to the edge of FOV but it has never bothered me as you are getting an extra 20 degree FOV compared to a standard plossl.

You may come to different conclusions than me and even your standard 32mm plossl will get most of the Orion nebula in it. :hello2:

As already said buying second hand EP's is a good way to go then you can see what you prefer and sell on for about the same price as you bought them for. That's what I have done with all my EP's, even the Ethos - all bought in the 'For Sale' section on here. ;)

Also I have the F5 version 200P Explorer, yours is the F6 dob so it should be a bit more forgiving on cheaper EP's and as your scope has a focal length of 1200mm the focal length of the EP's to get the mag I have mentioned would be slightly different. Eg. Focal length of your scope divided by focal length of EP - 1200mm/6mm = x200.

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I'm a bit confused as you already have a good set of plossl's with a wide range of mags in your Revelation kit -

Plossl 9mm

Plossl 12mm

Plossl 15mm

Plossl 20mm

Plossl 32mm (projection / visual)

Barlow x2

Is there something that you are not happy with regarding the kit?......

Thats my thoughts - nothing wrong with the above set at all and they will show you all the objects you list plus many more :)

Just get out there and, clouds allowing, use them :icon_scratch:

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Misdirection on good or bad for a scope or not, I don't own a 200P, and so it is a simple answer to the posters question that I gave.

What is your recommendation as you own one?

Tha after all was the question.

Hmm, I don't recall saying it was your misdirection. I said there is a lot of misdirection about. I'm just putting the poster on notice before people start posting that he's got to buy Tele-Vues, or Naglers or Panoptics and spending a fortune.

Also, I think I suggested BSTs and orthos at the end of my post, did I not? I think your post covers the sizes, just offering suggestions about different makes that might be worth considering.

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