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Dob or SCT?????


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Don't listen to the nonsense about SCTs not being able to give wide views. I can fit the Pleiades into my C9.25 and there's not many clusters bigger than that!

I do prefer it if we can avoid accusing each other of talking nonsense. Very simply, it is not nonsense to point out that an 8 inch F5 can give a wider field than an 8 inch F10. Obviously it can. Nor is it nonsense for me to say that I feel boxed in by my 10 inch SCT on occasion. It is, pure and simple, absolute fact. I do.

But I think the OP will enjoy the new scope and all the convenience that comes with the compact SCT design.

BTW, there are plenty of clusters far bigger than the Pleaides. Thc Coma cluster, the Plough Asterism... etc etc.


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Olly , you obviously know what you're talking about , that's not and hasn't been in question. It's often difficult to judge a piece of kits drawback as to whether it's a major disability or not for the level of work one does with it.

I think it's worth pointing out that Imo there's not many people who have the range of instruments to their disposal as yourself and that you may be considered as a purest of sorts regarding specification and performance.

I don't know you but you come across as a very nice guy and I'd ask you not to take offence as I didn't think that's how the comment was intended . Rob

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Thanks all for the advice and comments. I'll just have to buy a focal reducer for it!

Have a care with reducers for visual use. If you stick to 1.25 accessories then they will allow you to obtain a wider view. However, if you go for a 2 inch back and diagonal you will be able to use widefield eyepieces which will not give a wider view via a reducer because the baffle tube is the thing that limits you at this point. In other words, with 2 inch widefields there is no benefit to be had from a reducer.

Note that the 3.3 reducer is CCD only, not visual. It won't work with an EP.

Rob, no offence taken from your 'ditto.'


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