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What camera to get?


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Hi, I'm looking at getting myself a new camera and have a couple of questions...

1. I'm looking at the QHY8 pro (colour) or,

2. A QHY9 mono + filter wheel and LRGB filters

Gut feeling tells me to go down the QHY9 + wheel and filters but I'm also taken (no pun) by some of the images I've seen with the QHY8 pro.

I like the APS-C format of the chip as that's what I'm currently using (Canon DSLR and chiller) on my scope - 8 inch f4 imaging newt.

So my question is does anyone out there have any comments about these cameras....:)

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Digz - thanks. Yes lots of bits regarding CCD imaging whether mono or OSC. With people equally pro or anti depending on which side of the fence they sit.

Other mailings have indeed been very helpful especially regarding pitfalls to look for when buying. I've looked at the manufacturers and retailers ad pages with wider eyes since reading them - thanks to all who've contributed in the past, in whatever section of the forum, makes the future a little brighter! Francis

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