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My image


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Hi guys

Today I was looking through some of my images i took of the night sky a few months back. These images were simply done by putting my camera on a small tripod (i think it was a cleaning tripod because i didnt own a full size one at the time) and then changing some settings and then firing away.

Looking at one of my images, (attached) i zoomed in, because as im sure you know if you zoom in you can actually reveal some things you couldnt normally see like a distant star etc. Well i zoomed in and scanned around the image, and on the left side i saw a purple dot, I have outlined where i saw it. I do not believe it is something to do with the camera because it is only visible when you zoom in and its too rare on the image to be resolution etc, in total i found about 4 of these purple things. So, anyone know what they are?



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Hi Sammy, really interesting. This is a silly question but is the purple in the same place on each sub? I downloaded your image a after a massive stretch I can see the purple. Also can you tell us the exposure lengths used?

I think you have amazing eyesight to pick out such faint detail! :)


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hi thanks for replying, this was quite a while ago but I believe i was only on about 25-30 second exposures, about 2000-4000 ISO. This seems to be the only image I actually took of that patch of sky, I think I found one "purple thing" on another image but thats about it, it's just this image with the one marked, the 2 to the left of the image, and the one top left.

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I wonder if the purple spots are there when you take a dark? It might be worth trying an exposure of 60s with the lens cap on and looking for the spots in the result. This would mean that they're on the sensor.

Also can you remember what part of the sky/constellations you were shooting? If it's not something on the sensor then we could check out the sky map for your shot.


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I dont think it is when i take a dark image, seeing as i couldnt find many in the other shots of the sky i took. Ill give it a go though.

Sorry I cant remember, I wasnt taking a picture of a specific constellation with this shot, I was just experimenting with the settings etc, all I can remember is that it was approximately to the east at about 9pm, somewhere between ursa major and orion lol, obviously thats not helpful because thats half of the sky :)

I think it could have been near leo?

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