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Moon image and info


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Nice moon image with some info for you to read.



Type: Walled plain

Geological period: Upper Imbrian (From

-3.8 billions years to -3.2 billions years)


Dimension: 101x101Km / 61x61Mi

Height: 0m / 0ft

Height/Wide ratio: 0.0099


Circular formation crushing the chain of

Alps. Transient lunar phenomena (clouds

in 1871).

Pretty steep slopes supporting Platon G

to the East.

Little high walls with 2000 m summits and

a colapsed part to the West.

Immense flat floor filled with somber lava.

Clear spots and craterlets.


Interest : Exceptional formation

Observation period: 1 day after First

Quarter or Last Quarter

Minimal Instrument: 10x binoculars


Longitude: 9.3° West

Latitude: 51.6° North

Quadrant: North-West

Area: Moon North limb


Rukl map: 3 Plato

Viscardy page: 378

Hatfield map: 2g5 / 2h5 / 6b5

Westfall Atlas: 009N 018N 024N 040N

048N 067N 174N 179N 183N 191N

Lunar Orbiter: IV-116-H1 IV-116-M

IV-122-H3 IV-126-M IV-127-H3

IV-128-H1 IV-128-M IV-134-H3


Name Origine:

Detailed Name: Plato

5 th century BC greek Philosopher born

in Greece

Born at: Athçnes in 428 av JC

Dead at: Athçnes in 347 av JC

Important Facts: Tutor of Denys the

Youth. Founder of the Academy. Has

written 28 'Dialogues' and many 'Letters'.

Philosophy making the synthesis

between the rationalism and the

spiritualism. Believed in spherical stars

Name Author: Riccioli (1651)

Name by Langrenus: Lacus Panciroli

Name by Hevelius: Lacus Niger Major

Name by Riccioli: Plato


Type: Crater

Geological period: Upper Imbrian (From

-3.8 billions years to -3.2 billions years)


Dimension: 83x83Km / 50x50Mi

Height: 2150m / 6500ft

Height/Wide ratio: 0.0259


Circular formation.

Steep slopes supporting Mount

Archimedes to the South and Bancroft to

the South-West.

Pretty high walls in terraces.

Very flat floor and widened filled with

lava. Craterlets.


Interest : Exceptional formation

Observation period: First Quarter or 6

days after Full Moon

Minimal Instrument: 50 mm refractor


Longitude: 4.0° West

Latitude: 29.7° North

Quadrant: North-West

Area: Montes Apenninus region


Rukl map: 22 Conon

Viscardy page: 330

Hatfield map: 1h7 / 2g1 / 5b8 / 6a2

Westfall Atlas: 003N 009N 174N 179N


Lunar Orbiter: IV-109-H3 IV-109-M

IV-110-H1 IV-115-H1

Name Origine:

Detailed Name: Archimede

3 rd century BC greek Mathematician and

physicist born in Greece

Born at: Syracuse in 287 BC

Dead at: Syracuse in 212 av JC

Important Facts: Pupil of Euclide.

Calculation of Pi. Works in geometry.

Inventor of the pulley and the lever.

Founder of the static and the hydrostatic.

Name Author: Riccioli (1651)

Name by Langrenus: Roma

Name by Hevelius: Mons Argentarius

Name by Riccioli: Archimedes


Type: Crater

Geological period: Copernician (From

-1.1 billions years to present days)


Dimension: 39x39Km / 24x24Mi

Height: 2850m / 8600ft

Height/Wide ratio: 0.0731


Circular formation. Rays.

Little steep slopes.

High walls with terraces.

Flat floor. Three mountains off center.



Interest : Very interesting formation

Observation period: 4 days after First

Quarter or 3 days after Last Quarter

Minimal Instrument: 50 mm refractor


Longitude: 43.4° West

Latitude: 52.6° North

Quadrant: North-West

Area: Moon North-North-West limb


Rukl map: 2 Pythagoras

Viscardy page: 405

Hatfield map: 15b7

Westfall Atlas: 040N 048N 055N 061N

067N 075N 205N 213N 225 N

Lunar Orbiter: IV-152-H1 IV-158-H3

IV-163-H3 IV-164-H1

Name Origine:

Detailed Name: Harpale

5 th century BC greek Astronomer born

in Greece

Born at: ? in about 460 BC

Dead at: ? in ?

Name Author: Riccioli (1651)

Name by Langrenus: Morini

Name by Hevelius: Not named

Name by Riccioli: Harpalus


Type: Bay

Geological period: Upper Imbrian (From

-3.8 billions years to -3.2 billions years)


Dimension: 400x260Km / 242x157Mi

Height: 0m / 0ft

Height/Wide ratio: 0


Very large crater shaped formation of

237 000 km2.

Steep slopes constituted by North slopes

of Montes Jura.

Walls constituted by Montes Jura

gobbled to the South in the lava of Mare


Flat floor filled with lava and situated 600

m lower than Mare Imbrium.


Interest : Exceptional formation

Observation period: 3 days after First

Quarter or 2 days after Last Quarter

Minimal Instrument: 10x binoculars


Longitude: 32.0° West

Latitude: 45.0° North

Quadrant: North-West

Area: North-West part of Mare Imbrium


Rukl map: 10 Sinus Iridum

Viscardy page: 386

Hatfield map: 13d7

Westfall Atlas: 029N 036N 040N 048N

191N 201N 205N 213N

Lunar Orbiter: IV-122-M IV-126-M

IV-127-M IV-128-M IV-133-M IV-134-M

IV-138-M IV-139-H2 IV-139-M

IV-140-M IV-144-M IV-145-H2

IV-145-M IV-150-M IV-151-H2

IV-151-H3 IV-151-M IV-152-M

IV-157-M IV-158-M IV-163-M IV-170-M

IV-175-M IV-183-M

Name Origine:

Detailed Name: Golfe des Iris

Name Author: Riccioli (1651)

Name by Langrenus: Sinus


Name by Hevelius: Sinus Apollinis

Name by Riccioli: Sinus Iridum


Type: Crater

Geological period: Upper Imbrian (From

-3.8 billions years to -3.2 billions years)


Dimension: 40x40Km / 24x24Mi

Height: 3200m / 9700ft

Height/Wide ratio: 0.08


Circular formation.

Steep slopes.

High walls.

Tormented floor. Central mountain.


Interest : Very interesting formation

Observation period: 3 days after First

Quarter or 2 days after Last Quarter

Minimal Instrument: 50 mm refractor


Longitude: 40.2° West

Latitude: 45.7° North

Quadrant: North-West

Area: North-West part of Mare Imbrium


Rukl map: 10 Sinus Iridum

Viscardy page: 386

Hatfield map:

Westfall Atlas: 048N 055N 061N 067N

205N 213N

Lunar Orbiter: IV-151-H2 IV-158-H2

Name Origine:

Detailed Name: Abraham Sharp

17 th century english Astronomer born

in England

Born at: ? in 1652

Dead at: ? in 1742

Important Facts: Collaborator of


Name Author: (??)

Name by Langrenus: Rechbergeri

Name by Hevelius: Mons Atlas Minor

Name by Riccioli: Not named


Type: Crater

Geological period: Upper Imbrian (From

-3.8 billions years to -3.2 billions years)


Dimension: 40x40Km / 24x24Mi

Height: 3400m / 10300ft

Height/Wide ratio: 0.085


Circular formation.

Steep slopes riddled with craterlets.

High walls in light terraces.

Little flat and wide floor. Small central

mountain. Craterlets and hills.


Interest : Very interesting formation

Observation period: 4 days after First

Quarter or 3 days after Last Quarter

Minimal Instrument: 50 mm refractor


Longitude: 43.4° West

Latitude: 41.6° North

Quadrant: North-West

Area: Noth part of Oceanus Procellarum


Rukl map: 9 Mairan

Viscardy page: 390

Hatfield map: 6g4 / 8c5

Westfall Atlas: 048N 055N 061N 205N

213N 225N

Lunar Orbiter: IV-151-H2 IV-158-H2

Name Origine:

Detailed Name: Jean-Jacques Dortous

de Mairan

18 th century french Astronomer born

in France

Born at: Béziers in 1678

Dead at: Paris in 1771

Important Facts: Works on the

pendulum and Earth /Moon movements.

Author of the 'Historical and physical

Treaty of the boreal aurorae' in 1733.

Secretary of the french Academy of

Sciences in 1740.

Name Author: Schröter (1802)

Name by Langrenus: Haesteni

Name by Hevelius: Mons Baronisus

Name by Riccioli: Not named


Type: Crater

Geological period: Eratosthenian (From

-3.2 billions years to -1.1 billions years)


Dimension: 34x34Km / 21x21Mi

Height: 3110m / 9400ft

Height/Wide ratio: 0.0915


Isolated circular formation. Rays.

Steep slopes supporting the craterlet

Timocharis B to the North-East.

Very high walls with terraces.

Widened little flat floor. Central relief

crushed by a craterlet.


Interest : Exceptional formation

Observation period: 1 day after First

Quarter or Last Quarter

Minimal Instrument: 50 mm refractor


Longitude: 13.1° West

Latitude: 26.7° North

Quadrant: North-West

Area: South-East part of Mare Imbrium


Rukl map: 21 Timocharis

Viscardy page: 330

Hatfield map: 15e1 / 16 d7

Westfall Atlas: 018N 024N 183N 191N

Lunar Orbiter: IV-114-H3 IV-115-H1

IV-121-H3 IV-122-H1

Name Origine:

Detailed Name: Timocharis

5 th century BC greek Astronomer born

in Greece

Born at: ? in 450 av JC

Dead at: ? in 350 av JC

Important Facts: Close to school of

Alexandrie. Attempt of definitions of

coordinate stellar based on the Ecliptic.

Name Author: Riccioli (1651)

Name by Langrenus: Gassendi

Name by Hevelius: Insula Corsica

Name by Riccioli: Timocharis

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