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Filters and their function

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Hi all

I have seen some amazing photos taken by backyard astronomers on this site and I notice they often use color filters, I have very little actual experience with filters, but I am planning on purchasing a few.

Is there any guideline as to which color filter will bring out more color/detail in the sun, and planets, with special reference to Venus. I would love to capture detail on Venus's cloud surface, and I am not sure if I need some sort of filter to lessen the glare. All attempts thus far have failed.



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Thanks, I did a search for the Venus-filter and it sounds perfect. I'll have to search for it in South Africa though, or maybe find suitable replacement based in similar technology.

This is the best I could find in my 5 minutes search, I'll do a proper seach tomorrow...

UV-IR Cut Filter [AD170-UV/IR] - R259 : Telescope Shop, Everything for the Amateur Astronomer

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