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double image part two

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Whilst doing a colimation check I have noticed something.

All the videos and help pages all say you should be able to see the 3 mountings of the primary through the eye piece tube.

I can not see all of them at once.

In fact if i look directly through the center of the tube I cannot see the edge of the primary mirror at all.

Any ideas??

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First thing to try is racking the focuser tube in and out till you can see them. The length of tube you're lookng through will have an effect.

If you can't see all three at any setting of the focuser then either the primary is grossly tilted way out of normal, or your secondary is not facing the focuser tube perfectly square on.

A focuser end cap with a small hole drilled dead center will help - all three clips should be visible through this.

Hope that helps :D

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