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widefield imaging atm?

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finally getting my stuff in a few days, very excited :o

so just wondering what sort of widefield images i could be getting at the moment, ie whats around this time of year, what are you lot taking widefields of, what are any reccommended 'starter' targets etc etc? maybe shlda been in the imaging section, srry! ;)

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What are your southerly horizon views like...? or Eastern onmes at reasonable alt...

For me it would have to be a case of working your way along the Milky way.. lots of Interesting places to visit with the Nifty50...

Sagittarius, Ophicucus low down... Then around Lyra and Cygnus and on up through Cassiopea...

Theres a couple here if you want a look...



Will the camera be on an EQ mount? doesnt need to be guides as long as your PA is ok the short FL will be pretty forgiving...

the %0mm f1.8 will give better satr shapes if you stop it down to f3.5-f4.0 although this will mean longer exposures...

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thanks billy :D erm it can be mounted and polar aligned etc yes. i have no idea about exposure times tho so i dont know what images to can get at specific exposure times, aligned or not etc etc. ahh its so confusing! got enough on me plate as it is with exams coming up next week ;) however the scope n camera are the things keeping me motivated! will have a nice long summer imaging :o

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