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Posts posted by matt_man21

  1. Well I've been in to visual astronomy for about a year with a little 100mm f5 refractor and recently acquired an 8" f10 Meade LX-10 from Dad-garage-bay.com it's the first time I've had a clock driven scope so i decided to give imaging a go As the scope has no autoguider input i had to get crafty with with a box of tricks to convert the ST-4 output from my borrowed autoguider to a hand controller type input that the LX-10 accepts and it seems to work fairly well... my polar alignment still sucks but i can guide some of that out at the expense of image rotation...

    So on October the third i attached a borrowed Canon 500D to the 4 incher and after much fidlling, cursing, crying and then processing in IRIS i came out with my first Deep sky images!

    M31 - 24 frames at 120sec iso 400 100mm@f5

    M42 - 18 frames at 60sec iso 400 100mm@f5

    M45 - 12 frames at 90sec iso 400 100mm@f5

    M57 - 15 frames at 150sec iso 400 200mm@f10





    I now cant wait for another clear calm night! FEED ME PHOTONS! *omm nom nom*

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