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Everything posted by vegasrock55

  1. Just a couple of questions... Why is the "cannon" too much for the AVX?, it's only 7. something Kg and I plan to use this for visual only, I know it's a sail in the wind but this is for backyard (sheltered) use only. Are the cannon and the se6 a bit too similar FOV etc.? "sounds like you are after a lighter weight mount?" Yes, I am looking for a goto eq3 or similar for visual with the 130 or a god 5" replacement. Again, all comments appreciated.
  2. Hi all, This is my first post so please excuse any clangers. Ok, I have 4 scopes at present but I'm not sure I am getting the best all round experience at present and also would like something portable on a goto equatorial mount (eq3 or similar). So, at present I have an Orion Europa 254mm f4.9 ish reflector, a Celestron SE6 SCT, a Skywatcher ED80 to begin practicing with imaging, and I still have my first scope, a Celestron AstroMaster 130eq MD I have a light weight mount and a Celestron AVX goto mount. My first thought was to sell the SE6 mount and keep the OTA for use on the AVX, then I figured with the Orion giving a similar FOV etc. maybe lose the SE6 altogether, and replace it with a different scope and mount that would compliment the other equipment and sit on an eq3 or similar as for at lest the next 6 Months as I cant lift too much following heavy surgery. The option option I have considered is losing the AstroMaster which has little or no real sale value and is not on a goto mount which is what I want, or, do I keep the AstroMaster and find a suitable goto? leaving me with the AstroMaster, Skywatcher, and Orion. Is the AstroMaster good enough or would I be better swapping it out for a 130PDS for example, In summary do I sell to fund, which one, and replace with?, I would appreciate your wise views. N.B I am still quite new to astronomy so buying expert/expensive gear is not really an option at present, almost all my gear to date is second hand
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