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Everything posted by Bigdipper

  1. Hello from Ottawa Ontario my name is Elena Melancon I live just outside of Ottawa Ontario in the best place to do stargazing when I get the chance to do it. I am hoping to make some friends and also some Pen Pal’s on here and comment on other people stuff that is very interesting. I’m also doing a Miral based on astronomy that I am hoping to do. On the Wall adjacent to my bed so that would be interesting and I’ll keep you and updated to that. Hope to hear from you soon hope to make a lot of friends in Pen Pal’s ear as well as astronomers here. Here is my designs for the NeroWall adjacent to my bed so that would be interesting and I’ll keep you and updated to that. Hope to hear from you soon hope to make a lot of friends in Pen Pal’s ear as well as astronomers here. Here is my designs for the Nero
  2. Bigdipper

    My miral

    I am doing a mural for an art project and also because I like astronomy and stargazing and sometimes do not have a chance to do so so I’m doing this. I will update you more about it this is why I join the group but I like astronomy and I want to post my astronomy art on here
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