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Tim Jennings

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Posts posted by Tim Jennings

  1. Good evening, I'm  having problems with imaging, here is a photo of andromider. If you look at the  corners you can see, that the stars are funny  shape I'm  not guidering so could this be the problem. I do have a guider camera,  which is the ZWO 120 and the svbony guidescope. But not shore how to set it up, the mount is the Celestron  AVX mount and I'm  using a dslr camera, which is the Canon 60d mod






  2. Hi everyone 

    Can anyone help me please. I have  just got a new mount, a Celestron avx I put in the date, time and city which is London, but  it didn't ask for the Latitude or the Longitude ever. I'm also  using a asiair mini, so is the mount using the latitude and longitude from the asiair. Then it asked me to do a star alignment that's when the problem started one of the stars I know which was Capella this star came up as one of the alignment stars, so it told me to press enter which I did it started to slew, but the wrong way, it was slewing to  the west all the time.



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