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Posts posted by Simon128D

  1. I too prefer the softer, more natural, look. 
    As the total noob I am I had a go at your TIF and gosh that was some easy data to work with. May I ask how many frames you stacked? 

    This was my go only using waveletts in Regi and a touch to the saturation to bring out the colour. Still a bit too sharp for my tastes but for a quick 5 minute post process it was very nice to work with. 


    • Thanks 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Ratlet said:

    Very happy with this.  Looks very good and shows you what objects should be visible in different sized scopes.

    Has also fueled my envy of the southern hemisphere.  Feels like 3/4 of the ink got printed on their pages.


    My favourity atlas of all time. Planning a nights list of objects is always easy with this and gets me pumped up with excitment but if you do not have the Deep Sky Guide to go with it I highly, HIGHLY recommend that you do. Once you see it and use it you will never be able to use the maps or imagine using the maps any other way. 


    EDIT: Here's a peek at mine. 







    • Like 12
  3. Correct, I align and stack with AutoStakkert 3 and then take the tiff of my stack into Regi for RGB Balance and waveletts, RGB Align too, if needed, but I use and ADC and RGB Align in Autostakkert. 

    Using PIPP is a good idea if you 'really' want to use Regi for alignment and stacking. It can bring down your file size a lot but once you get used to AutoStakkert you'll find it is vastly better. 

    • Like 1
  4. What size is your video file? Reason I ask is becuase Registax has a video file limtation of 2-2.5GB or something like that, so can no longer do planetary alignment and stacking from mondern planetary cameras. 
    It's becuase of this (and also knowing there will never be a new version of Registax to correct this issue) we all user AutoStakkert or AstroSurface for aligning and stacking our AVI and SER files. 

    Though, Regi is still boss for post processing the waveletts on tiff files 

    • Like 1
  5. Unexpected clear night and was really in the mood to try some balowed imaging at 1.5x. 

    Seeing was mixed with moments of good seeing. I was not expecting good results at all but I captured good enough data to get my best image ever of Saturn, so I am rather happy with it. 

    Juptier is very soft and had to overprocess to bring out some detail. 







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  6. Hi all, 
    I've been dipping my toes into trying AstroSurface - mainly to see what it's like and if it holds up to Autostakkert or to use along side as an extra tool. 

    There are things I like but the one thing that's beyond the life of me and is 50% of my reason for using Registax is RGB Balance. Could anyone tell me if it can be done, if so where and how? I've tried to play around with the HDR and levels but I cannot get anywhere close to Registax excellent one click solouton. 


  7. On 12/09/2022 at 10:55, bomberbaz said:

    Can't remember if i am honest but it was under 200 quid extra, still worth it though. 

    I have seen deeper and further with this that i have with any other scope I have had.

    It is easy to transport and assemble and the DSC system finds hard to find fuzzy's to within quarter of a degree. 

    In short it is everything I ever wanted in one. 

    I can vouch for this. Truly are a brilliant scope and worth every penny. 

  8. Had a lovely clear night on the 9th and seeing was much better than what we are used to here so it was exciting to get the C11 setup for a go at the beautiful Io tranist with shadow transit. 

    To the eyepiece it was super crisp with the shadow inky black and the white oval storm on the sourthern hemisphere was incredible and popped so well in moments of better seeing. 
    I started imaging about 10 minutes before the shadow transit started at 23:15 and finished imaging about 00:30. 

    Here an animated gif of my efforts and then below is a landscape including the grabs of Saturn and Mars I got and I did not expect Mars to by any good at all being so low for me and just kissing the top of a large field - which no doubt was dumpoing out a lot of thermals. 






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  9. I was dual scoping on the night of the 30th, going into the 31st. The big mirror for observing and the C11 to get the Europa shadow transit. Seeing was average but average is good for where I live so I was pleased with the results. I started with Saturn and got some very good moments  of seeing and then went on to spend the rest of my time with Jupiter






    And to finish things off, a little animation of my nights work, sadly its a GIF so please forgive the terrible quality. 






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