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Everything posted by SlimLine

  1. Hi Welcome back. I rejoined myself after 6yrs away.
  2. Thats great bob your on the right track then👍. As for scope the Esprit 100 will get you excellent results coupled with a sturdy mount like a Heq5 and upwards i would maybe start with this if money allows. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/skywatcher-mounts/sky-watcher-heq5-pro-with-rowan-belt-mod-upgrade.html It comes with the Rowan Belt modification which reduces tracking errors whilst guiding. Have you thought about a quide scope and guide camera?
  3. Hi Bob Im also on the steep learning curve that is Astrophotography. My advice to at the moment would be stick with what you already have and start with your DSLR and maybe a Skywatcher Star Tracker and a sturdy tripod and just jump in the car on a clear night and get out to a dark site ( if possible). You will learn so much about Astrophotography by just using a camera as a starting point. Good luck.
  4. Hi everyone. Used to be a member some years ago but due to family commitments (kids)😉 i gave up this fantastic hobbie. It feels great to be back and im looking forward to getting stuck in with this amazing community we have here...Clear skies everyone 💫
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