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Posts posted by Stargazer32584

  1. Okay...!

    The greatest problems are sitting in front of the computer.
    I overlooked to declare the right pins. The pins in the original are the 5 and 4. I changed it to 21 and 22.

    So, i restart the whole thing with the following result:


    ('', '', '', '')
    Warning: I2C(-1, ...) is deprecated, use SoftI2C(...) instead
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "main.py", line 9, in <module>
      File "mlx90614.py", line 37, in __init__
    OSError: [Errno 19] ENODEV
    MicroPython v1.14 on 2021-02-02; ESP32 module with ESP32
    Type "help()" for more information.

    What can i do ?

    Best regards


  2. Hi,

    in the evening, i had the chance to test it with the both sensors.
    With the following result:

    ('', '', '', '')
    Warning: I2C(-1, ...) is deprecated, use SoftI2C(...) instead
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "main.py", line 68, in <module>
      File "main.py", line 36, in DewPoint
    ValueError: math domain error
    MicroPython v1.14 on 2021-02-02; ESP32 module with ESP32
    Type "help()" for more information.

    Can i ignore the warning ?

    And a problem with the calculation of the dewpoint.

    Best regards



  3. Quote

    You will need to load the index.html file if you use the regular version. For the mini version, you don't need this file. But on the esp32, this file must be named main.py. You will also need to set your network name and passphrase in the boot.py file of course.

    Yes, everything is done with the boot.py. There are the parameters of our network signed in.
    Tomorrow, i will test it with the sensors.

    Thank you and after the test, i will report the result here.


  4. Hi Wim,

    thank you for testing it !

    I take the binary from your screenshot for the Firmware of the esp32, the esp32-idf4-20210202-v1.14.bin.
    Make the fileupload with thonny. Now, it seems to be easier than before. Now, he make the connection to the wifi-network
    and give me the whole adress of the controller.

    But if i go to the adress with the browser, there is no index.html. I uploaded the index.html to the controller. Is this right ?

    The worlds between the Arduino IDE and micropython are greater that i thought.

    Thanks a lot..



  5. Hi Wim,

    i tried to install the micropython - firmware with uPyCraft and with "flash downlaod tool".
    Then upload your files. Both ways have the same errors like before.

    Tried also an other ESP32 Module (ESP32 Mini D1 - Boards). The same.

    So i flash the mp - firmware on the ESP. I take uPyCraft for this step.
    After the flash, the device have the "boot.py" as a part of the system - files on board.

    I upload the "blink.py" from the examples. I load the file up to the microcontroller.
    The i run the file and blue led is blinking.

    But your code doesn't work.

    That's all very strange...

    Best regards and thank you for your support...


  6. Hi Wim,

    i have a problem, uploading your files on the ESP32 - Board.
    I prepared the ESP32 with uPyCraft V1.1 and the firmware for micropython.
    Then, i opend Thonny and connect to the device. He show me the "boot.py" - file on the device.
    After this step, i make a right click on the "BME280.py", the "mlx90614.py" and the "main.py" and upload it to the device.
    But, if i want to upload your "boot.py" - file, the controler don't react.

    When i start uPyCraft again and connect to the controler, he want to install the firmware for micropython again.

    I haven't any idea to fix the problem... .

    I know only the Arduino IDE for programing.

    Thanks a lot !

    Best regards



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