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Posts posted by NorthernAstro

  1. 19 hours ago, malc-c said:

    Thanks you.

    Yes sorry some of the images are missing.  They were hosted on my own website which is no longer live.

    The observatory is still used, and it's nice that when the whim takes me I can be up and imaging in minutes.  In hindsight I would have done a few things differently, like increasing the fall on the warm room roof as I've had some puddling and water ingress recently, but this is now a decade since it was built so can't really grumble.  I also tend to remote into the scope, so the warm room is now a small workshop, and store.  Remoting in to the observatory PC also means no need for the microwave to warm up the pies at 2am in November :)


    Sounds great, I just wish I have the space for something like that, my grandparents use to own a farm in North Wales and it was massive, barely any light pollution, it is just a shame I don’t have access to that space anymore. Must be great to just have a shed were you can work away whilst imaging at the same time without a having to worry too much about waking up your family. My biggest problem right now is just staying out really late, partly because it is cold but it just gets a bit tiring after a while. I guess that’s the problem with Summer observing: really short nights. Can’t wait till Winter. I am glad that you still have use out of your observatory, it’s a really great build. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  2. Wow, I have just been reading this and I must say the observatory is magnificent I mean, I am not very experienced in the more serious astronomy and I have only seen people with the observatories which are spherical and often pre-assembled so yours really blows me away. Unfortunately I can’t access some of the images but from what I can see, it is incredible. I really wouldn’t mind spending a few clear nights in a place like that with my telescope. Just want to say that it’s a really impressive job. Great work👌

    • Thanks 1
  3. Hi, the issue has now been sorted thank you but I did list that information in my opening paragraph so that people would not ask similar questions but i thank you for trying to help. My location and time were fine and I always like to double check these things and in the event of problems I always like to troubleshoot with different information, therefore I can tell you that the location, date, and time were all correct. But I thank you for commenting

  4. Hi, thank you for responding

    I have checked the date/time/location multiple times and even changed it to different values and then I checked it with Celestron SkyPortal. My assumption is that the Mount works fine but that is not really necessary as even if the handset is disconnected from the Mount, it still displays the same problems. I believe that the coordinates stored within the handset may be wrong and I am unsure on how to update that or potentially there is an error in reading my location. I have also tried with different voltages (the battery pack which is currently outputting a voltage of around 8V as well as the power cable connected to the mains which is around 12.2V). I hope this info helps, I have not yet tried switching the daylight saving option on or off but currently it is not daylight saving times. I will test this out later as I am not currently with my handset. I will post results of this changes anything. Thank you

  5. Hello there,
    My synscan V3 handset is having issues in the goto settings, for example, it may be over 10 degrees out in azimuth and a few degrees out by altitude. For troubleshooting purposes and to save you from asking unnecessary questions, I have tried different locations and made comparisons, I have also tested multiple different targets. My location, date and time are also correct and to make sure, I have tried different variables to see if there is a difference but there is not, the handset is still out. I should also let you know that the difference between the real value and H.C. Value is not fixed and does vary. Help would be greatly appreciated as this has really puzzled me. I have updated the firmware and went to older versions - same issue. I have searched for this topic on the likes of YouTube and other forums and cannot find some information. Fingers crossed one of you can help me with this. 
    Thank you,


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