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Posts posted by ispookie666

  1.  POE is fantastic and I use it around my house.  But most are around 40- 57V, you would need to look into Passive POE to make this work.  Again, the voltage injected will be usually 24V and above.  Might need a DC - DC converter at the end.  

    Might be easier to just use https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07L6WLR51/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and a Power bank with 12 V output to feed the one above. 

    I have installed the above and installed an Outdoor ethernet socket in a BG single gang outdoor switch, the outdoor socket is connected to a wall ethernet socket.  Once I set it up, I can stay indoor 😀

  2. Thank you for the inputs. 

    I honestly have no idea about the median! What should I be using? 

    I'll check my DSLR and find out more.  

    I had another go tried my SW 200DPS, just could not get tracking to work, used a 250mm lens f6.3, the results were even worse. I'll stick to my tokina or give the skywatcher 200 another go. 

    Thank you once again. 

  3. Just about managed to setup my rig.  

    Was trying to photograph the Soul Nebula.  

    Nikon d5000, ISO 400, 45sec, Tokina 105mm F2.8 No filters. Mount - CG5 with EQStar EQ5, PHD2 tracking using ZWO 120 as guide camera


    The  below image is a output straight from DSS - I think 70 frames, some dark bias and flat frames



    I thought I might be getting a lot more data after stacking -  any pointers? or what I should be doing differently? 

  4. Have been using the EQ Star Pro version for CG 5 and cannot fault it.  

    Connected to EQMod, PHD2 and Gamepad .  Using stellarium is a lot easier compared to the handset.  

    Managed to auto guide and it was not too bad.  Have only gone for 45sec ISO400 exposures and have not seen any star trails.  

  5. No end to my various problems.  

    I have a Sky-watcher 200PDS and the views were a not very sharp.  

    Been trying to collimate the scope using a cheshire, for the life of me cannot get the mirror clips in sight, at the most I can get two.  I was following @Astro_Baby guide and got the Secondary mirror to be a circle (it was pretty much elliptical at the start).  have been stuck trying to get the clips in view.  

    Any help appreciated, even better - anyone close to cambridge wiling to help. 


  6. I recently bought a used CG5 mount with Advanced GT.  Used it a few times but yesterday had a runaway RA motor.  

    Is there a ready replacement or preassembled kit to replace the motors and controllers on CG5.  I had a look on OnStep, but boy thats a lot of tinkering - would be great if there was preassembled kit. Or any other suggestions.  

    May just cut my losses and buy a new mount🤐

  7. Just about starting with star gazing, trying to find the best possible way to maximise the options from my house (have this as part of another thread) https://stargazerslounge.com/forum/19-getting-started-general-help-and-advice/

    The sodium vapour lamp is just spilling light into the garden.  Other than putting up a big sail during observation, don't know what else to do.  


    Part of my garden is well shielded and have reasonable view of the sky, but polaris is shielded by the house.  Is there a way to get polar alignment without polaris?  

  8. Newbie here!

    Used to have a star travel a while back.  Slowly getting back into stargazing.  

    I live in a Bortle 4 area and the sky is beautiful, except a sodium vapour light just next to my house (unfortunately its on all night due to a Cross junction and a railway crossing) which spills light onto my garden and patio.  

    Will using a light pollution filter help filtering the light out?  

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