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John Beer

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Everything posted by John Beer

  1. Hi all, I am looking at some point the change the focuser on my Stellalyra Newt for something different. I have a lot of equipment on it with the filter wheel etc and I came across these 2 videos (one issued today) and I do quitelike this product but I cannot see a version that would fit the Stellalyra, anyone know if there is one? or a similar product? Thank you John
  2. Thank you guys, appreicate the help. I ended up ordering one. Guy I spoke to said should be fine for visual use. If not I will look at the converter noted above. Again thank your for your help.
  3. Hi all Long time lurker first time post I have an 8se on a heq5 pro with a celestron .63 focal reducer. I love the scope but not a fan of the focuser. As I have a skywatcher mount the celestron motor focuser isnt an option as I don't always want to bring a laptop/astroberry unit out with me to control it. So I am thinking of getting a crayford like this one https://www.firstlightoptics.com/skywatcher-focusers/dual-speed-2-crayford-focuser-for-sct-telescopes.html. I just wanted to check that I wouldnt run into any issues. I only have 1.25" eyepieces so that also may be important. I am a visual observer mostly. Is it compatible with my setup with the focal reducer? I am not aware of any problems but always best to check . Thank you all
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