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Everything posted by Ghostnotes

  1. I am also looking at Celestron's OAG and I think that's where I'm going. if I don't like it later on I can always sell it and get an 80mm. I know finding a guidestar within the guide's viewing zone might be challenging, but challenges help you learn.
  2. To keep to forum rules I posted a question in the optics section. Think I'm going to go with the ZWO ASTI174 and Celestron's OAG.
  3. I found your CCD calculator and unless I'm missing something the ZWO with an 80mm scope should work?
  4. Just so I keep all posts/topics in their proper place I will post here. I have been posting in the section below and this is kind of an extension of the topic. I'm looking to purchase a guide camera and since I'm using an 8" SCT for the foreseeable future, I'm looking at this and wondering or confirming if this will be suitable. The guide-scope will come next. Also for the time being and $$$ constraints, I'm considering an OAG by celestron with the ZWO. I have read the tutorials and understand it. I have read focusing can be a pain, but wouldn't focusing in the daylight at a distant small object work as well?
  5. Thanks, I'm sure it will take me a while to get accustomed to the Gemini. I was very proficient with my Nextstar mount. I have no unrealistic expectations though. I'm guessing it will take me a least a year or so to get decently proficient with what I plan to use it for.
  6. Backyard EOS is still around.Have that also Since I won't have a guider for the time being and am using my 60D as the imager, am I able to run PHD and EOS utility or backyard EOS , stellarium at the same time? If not, no big deal. I can practice with PHD as needed and then just align and image separately as usual. I know I'm limited until I get a guide setup and using an 8" SCT is not optimal. My main goal at first is software setup and getting it calibrated and talking.
  7. That was a good read and informative. Thanks!
  8. I was wondering if I could plate solve with a DSLR. My bortle scale is 7,so I'll have to get out of the Houston.metro area to get a good view for anything besides lunar and planetary. But thats what I plan to use to get my knowledge of the software and techniques up to speed. So far i have stellrium, registax and PHD2 ready, however I have never had the need to use them...yet. I've only have done short exposures. I have been satisfied with that up until recently.
  9. I've been doing some lurking lately but have a question regarding software. Ive been using stellrium and the Canon EOS software utility with my nexstar8. Think ive only used the hand controller 2 to 3 times in 10 years. Im ordering a G11 mount tonight and plan on guiding and AP After I receive it. The other equipment I have is a Canon 60D Unmodified With a T adapter and focal reducer. I know I need PHD2 and stacking software. I have photoshop and I'm very very good with it. My question is what other software will I need for guiding and astro photography? More importantly, which software plays nice with each other. I also plan on getting a guidescope and camera soon, however I know I'm limited to lunar and solar observing and guiding due to my focal length for the time being. At this point, I'm just more interested in getting my technique working as opposed to doing any kind of deep sky observing.
  10. Been a while....covid, life etc got in the way but will be ordering the G11 tonight. I have acouple of questios regarding guide scopes and software. Where should I diecet them?
  11. I thought about finding a good used one, however my wife is on my side and said just get a new one...lol. Plus I hear their customer support is better than most. 0.5-0.7 is light years of my Nextstar mont. I do believe that my OTA is a bit of am anomaly, or so I'vebeen told. I have never had to collimte it. Its been to a few star parties and senior astronomers have said for that OTA the clarity is exceptional.
  12. I don't Post much, I Have generally been OK with the equipment I have had over the last several years which is a celestron 8 SE. However I believe it is time for me to move up.I want to get into astro imaging And overall just a better mount. I have been debating over the iOptron CEM70 and the Losmandy G11( i know the debate continues). I've decided to go with the G11, the main reason being for the money and budget ,I will be able to get a tripod that's suitable. I know the CEM70 has more options For the time being I plan on mounting my next star to the mounr(again i know it'snot optimal).I know the CEM70 has more options as in the polar alignment scope,wifi etc, but thats okay. What i plan on doing for starters is also purchasing a guidescope. From what I have been reading, you can also use the guidescope for polar alignment, and then doing the star alignments afterwards. Tracking seems to be fine using it in this manner. Down the road I do plan on getting Better optics, However due to budget I'm more interested in getting accuracy and tracking at the moment. So far, just using a T-adapter with my Canon 60D for short exposures has kept me happy. Obviously i will eventually have to get an imaging camera as well,but it will have to be one thing at a time. Thoughts?? Thanks!
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