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Posts posted by ashv

  1. Hello. I tried setting up guide system again. I tried to follow whatever i learned on this thread. The main thing i tried to improve is the calibration, which i now do close to declination zero to get maximum shift in RA. And bingo, I was able to guide for the first time and it seemed pretty good. I am unsure about other settings i might have mingled with. Thank you Michael. If i am having issue with calibration again, i will post a log with the faulty calibration. 
    1. i wish to ask whether i have to do the calibration everytime close to declination zero?

    2. do i have to redo a calibration after i repostition my guide system? If i move the guide system, i feel that it does not do proper guiding and if i redo the calibration, it guides good. (Could it be unstable mount?)

    Thanks so much everyone here and thank you again Michael. 

  2. Hi. I recently searched this issue and landed on your post. I found it strange and I have been having the same issue since the past week. Same SA, same ASI 120 MM-S. I am using a small telescope as guide scope. Sharpcap recommends about 200mm for polar alignment. My scope gives me 220mm or 180mm with a focal reducer. Same sharpcap pro for polar alignment and same PHD2 for guiding. I am failing the calibration each time and have been wasting quite some amount of precious clear skies. Most of the time I am calibration fails and phd2 tells me “RA calibration failed; star did not move enough”. I have been able to proceed with calibration but one (I ignore how I did), that too it offered poor guiding and I received a further message informing that I have lost the guide star, I did not have enough correction east or west..

    I felt there’s an issue with the connection of the guide camera-ST4 cable-SA… I lack further equipment to trial out any suspect.

    Any advice will be highly appreciated. Thank you for the precious help..

  3. Hello. Thank you everyone for replying. 
    Sorry for not completing my post with an idea about my gear. 
    I have the SA mount, just got a guide camera and scope, DSLR.
    I have read about the polemaster which is great tool for polar alignment. It’s a pity there’s no astronomy shop where I live. I am from Mauritius. Have had to buy most of my stuffs from abroad. 
    I read about the polar alignment using sharpcap pro. I have tried it and slowly making progress. Still not able to complete all the steps for alignment. I hope i will succeed with some more trying. 
    Anyone has experience in regular polar aligning with PHD2? 
    thanks everyone for the precious help.



  4. Hello everyone. I am having a difficult time here with polar alignment in the south. It have a star adventurer with the inbuilt polar finder. I tried to work a lot solely on polar alignment. After many days of wasting hours and hours of clear skies, I was finally able to recognise the star Sigma Octantis. It was not an easy task recognising the faint stars pattern and more so, the polar scope gives an upside down image. (Im unable to write all the difficulties i had in words here)..

    Any help and advice will be greatly appreciated..


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