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Everything posted by Longy717

  1. First decent view of the moon last night. I've been looking at pylons for weeks 😂. Looked amazing and was really impressed with the level of detail I was able to see. We even had fun lining it up in a aeroplanes path and seeing even the very high planes in detail. However the photos of the moon just don't do it justice. The moon looked a nice white colour but the photos looked yellow using my Sony Xperia 5 phone. Are there better eye pieces for taking photos. Also if anybody recommends any other eyes pieces for this telescope I'm all ears.
  2. Price agreed and purchase in progress thank you
  3. https://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/propview.php?view=173252 Suppose I could always buy this to make it original.
  4. He has just replied. Do you think it having the base of the 150p instead will be a problem? Is that not a lot bigger?
  5. We've all looked through binoculars the wrong way to make everything look small
  6. My argument for these stores is that if I did buy one I'd at least have it. Anyway I'm glad it's overcast or I might be tempted to just buy. It's crazy how many are out of stock. However it reassures me that it is a good bit of kit if its sold out everywhere. Must be hard for the shops not knowing when the next delivery will be.
  7. Yes I'm interested in the heritage. Watched a few videos and it looks nice and simple and gets a lot of good reviews. I've enquired to the ad for the second hand one on Astrobuysell. Also messaged a few shops about when they expect new stock as its sold out everywhere. I appreciate everyone's time and their helpful advice.
  8. https://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/propview.php?view=172984 is this a decent one?
  9. https://www.microglobe.co.uk/skywatcher-heritage-130p-flextube-parabolic-dobsonian-telescope-p-8387.html? Does this include everything I need? Looks hollow. 😂
  10. Thanks for the replies. Not sure I'm keen on buying a 2nd hand one. I won't know what to look for in terms of any damage. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00CYHSZCW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glc_fabc_TBT9XA7623ENY22JA88M How would this compare?
  11. Thanks for the reply. Yes is out of my budget. I could probably stretch to £170
  12. Hi I'm completely new to this and have a budget of around £150. Could anyone recommend a good starter telescope. Probably won't be another after this so I'd like it to be a good one but also not too difficult to use. I'm quite technical so not scared of trying something more advanced. There's that many different ones on the market. I've looked at the CELESTRON Powerseeker 114EQ Reflector Telescope - Black. There's one in curry's for £159. I'll look forward to any advice. Also if there are any good shops in my area. I live near Manchester.
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