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  1. Good afternoon from the USA. When one looks up at the night sky and sees all those pinpoints if lights, are they most likely stars or galaxies? I'm a little confused since I've googled this topic recently and they all seem to run 50-50. Is the answer 50-50 or is there a more precise answer? Before I joined this forum I always thought most of those dots of lights were galaxies because that's what I read years ago. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks. Lost In Space.
  2. Welcome to the forum. I visited a friend in Norway years ago. Just a beautiful country. I'm sure you have clear skies in the mountains. Good luck.
  3. Good Morning I'm not sure if I posted this in the correct section. Feel free to move to proper location. Does anyone have any specific information on when the general public will be able to see the photos coming from the Webb Telescope? I believe they are talking June or July. Just wondering if someone can narrow that down. Thanks
  4. In this vast universe, have we discovered all the elements? Or could there still elements we're not aware of? Just food for thought.
  5. I just purchased a Celestron Nexstar 6SE. I'm not even aware of an app but would like to know more about it. I would imagine that works in conjunction with the StarSense hardware. We have severely light polluted skies here in my city and I use my scope on a lighted rooftop deck as well. So I have a double whammy with regards to light pollution. The only things I can see at night is the moon and jets. That's it. Most of the time I just set my scope up and just scan the skies I hoped of finding something to view.. I've tried to locate the planets manually but haven't been successful at it, even with the star charts like Stellarium or Sky Portal. That's why I'd like to get some information on how successful StarSense is in locating the planets.
  6. Has anyone used StarSense on their telescope? I'm in a heavily light polluted city and wonder how something like that might work. It can be very difficult trying to locate guide stars as it stands now. I don't want to spend any money on something like that unless I know for sure what to expect.
  7. Does heat effect sky viewing at night? Right now we're having 90 to 100 F degree days and you can see the shimmering off the pavement, etc. Just wondering.
  8. I found one on the Celestron website for the Nexstar 6 SE. I ordered one but it's on back order. Thanks. I thought solar viewing was off limits.
  9. I have a Celestron Nexstar 6SE. Would any type of filter prevent damage viewing the sun?
  10. Does anyone here have the mailing address for the main office of Celestron in the USA? Sent them an email three days ago with no response yet. Thanks in advance.
  11. That's kind of what I had in mind but I don't have access to tools or a space to work in. So it looks like I'm going to purchase a garden cart like Peter has in one of his photos above.
  12. Peter, Thanks for the photo. Unless there's some other option which I'm not aware of, it looks like the cart would be the best option. I'm going to dread having to take it apart and reassemble after each time I use it. Just means more wear and tear on it imho. But it's rather top heavy so I don't see any other option. Is your cart at home the same dimensions as the one in your link? I need to make sure I get the right size..or maybe they all come in the same size.
  13. Hello As some of you know, I purchased a Celestron Nexstar 6SE recently. While I knew it was a little hefty when I purchased it, it seems much heavier when you actually try to move it around. I'd like to try and see if I can find a telescope-tripod dolly to make it easier on me when I move it. I live in an apartment building so I'm not worried about shoving through grass, etc. All I would have to do is mount it on the dolly once then move from apartment to elevator to the rooftop and back down again. I'm hoping some of the older members might be in the same predicament I'm in and can recommend something. Thanks in advance.
  14. OMG 😳😳😳 I didn't realize binoculars could get so big. I'm so used to seeing the field binoculars that are used by bird watchers or fans at sporting events. Those are huge and no doubt have a huge price tag as well.
  15. Come back in ten years and give your opinion.😉
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