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Everything posted by Jim-Lad

  1. Hi John, Oops - I forgot to hit the submit reply button! Many thanks, I'll make sure my template matches your measurements. BTW, for the South pivot point I'm going to try substituting an inverted mini-ball head from a camera tripod (£5 approx. on Ebay) - once it's all up and running I'll post my efforts... Best regards, Jim 😎
  2. Hi John, Thanks, I'll make sure my template matches your measurement. Best regards, Jim 😎
  3. Hello John, I love the simplicity of your instructions and it has given me the confidence to have a go at building as per your design. I've ordered some of the parts today but I am unsure what size (height, length) the aluminium segments should be as the printed size does not seem to match correctly with the top board when I print off the template (probably my printer settings) - If they are 200m in length then that's fine - I can work out the height, otherwise could you let me know what the recommended dimensions are? Many thanks, Jim
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