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Everything posted by quiksilver895

  1. So I am not sure if this was ever resolved but I had a very similar issue for ages and finally determined the cause. I was tracking for a minute or two then it would stop. Would only start if I forced it to slew using the arrow buttons on the unit. Turns out if you connect the 2i to the app and use the astrophotography mode any changes you make are written to the celestial tracking mode on the dial. For example I set the astrophotography mode in the app to 60 seconds and 2 images just to test. After doing that it wrote that to the celestial mode on the dial so even though I wasn't using the app it still used those settings. So had I connected a cable to my camera it would have taken 2 images at 60 seconds then stopped tracking for my next shot. I did the factory reset (app mode and hold the left/right arrow buttons until fast blink then release and reboot the unit). After that I tracked for over an hour with no pause or interruption. It's mentioned in the manual in one of the appendixes in passing. Hopefully this helps someone else.
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