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Everything posted by dbuzz

  1. THAT’s what I thought I had read! But wanted to make sure I understood it well. Unfortunately it’s been cloudy, else I would have just tried it. Thanks a lot!
  2. Ok, thanks, all! I'll give it another go with the colored paper. It's what I've done, thus far. I get it right in the center, but then I adjust the three screws to get the collimation correctly and I'm back to the weird off-center look. Let me try again... Much appreciated!
  3. Thanks, Mike! No, it's an f6. I've tried to push it way in towards the primary, as well as tighten it out quite a bit. I've even bought 3 longer adjustment screws for the secondary to allow me to push it further towards the primary and still be able to adjust focus. No matter, when I center everything else, the green circle is still off-center...
  4. Help would be much appreciated! I'm out of ideas. No matter what I play with...spider vanes, secondary in-out, rotate, center and primary adjustment, the final image, as seen through the Cheshire piece looks like this. The green circle (Cheshire shiny disk) is always off center, slightly away from the primary. Any ideas what can fix this? Many thanks!
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