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Posts posted by diego-florez

  1. Hello Dave!


    I hope everything's allright and hope you keep working on this beautiful project.

    First I have to thank you, as I am really interested on making a VLF receiver but I still have really poor knowledge about electronics in general. Reading this thread is really helping me to start figuring out how a receiver works, so thanks a lot!!! :)

    I've personally loved the pdf you uploaded, the one that contains the placement of every component in the PCB rather than the typical electronic circuit schematic (I'm just starting to learn about those and I always find trouble when trying to build something which contains more than a couple of components). 


    I know it's been a lot since you last wrote on this thread, but I decided to write you to check if you minded helping me out :)

    I have a couple of doubts (they are probably stupid questions, so please forgive my ignorance):

    1) If I'm planning to plug the receiver to my hand-recorder (a Zoom H2N) to record VLF signals, will the circuit still need the headphone amplifier? Or would it be best to eliminate the amplifier from the circuit (because I don't know if the recorder would do that job or not)?

    2) In the last pdf you shared, there are two pots: the on/off and volume pot and the gain pot. One of them has its 3 pins assigned to a certain connection. However, the other one has just 2 connections written down in the scheme: the ACW pin and the Wiper pin (the CW is not mentioned). I suppose that it is not needed, but I decided to ask, just in case. :)

    3) Lastly, I'm having trouble to understand the "From headphones" and "to headphones" connections. I suppose that I should connect the first one to the ground of my jack (which will be connected directly to my hand recorder input) and the second one to the positive pin of that same jack. Is that right? Also I'm assuming the signal would be mono, wouldn't it?


    Sorry again for my lack of knowledge, and thanks a lot in advance, hope everything's well!!





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