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Black Apron

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Posts posted by Black Apron

  1. On 18/04/2023 at 16:29, Oxize said:

    I want this EAF also eventually on my 62ED. But i dont want to have the EAF on the fine focus knob. I want it like Stevie. Can that be reached with all parts which you get from ZWO EAF?

    It's not really on the fine focus... you have to take out the whole gear reducer and attach the EAF knob to the focuser main shaft... so the EAF will be acting attached to the "coarse" adjustment. 

  2. On 03/11/2022 at 14:49, mamenyaka said:

    Hi all,

    I have managed to fit the EAF with the standard coupler and bracket. The trick was to just remove the other knob, the one with the fine adjuster. The hole there is the right size for the 19mm coupler. I believe you can even decide on which side you want the EAF if you disassemble the focuser from underneath.




    Thank you for this... I just installed mine and it works perfectly... 


  3. On 29/10/2018 at 03:41, Jbro1985 said:

    Hi all,

    Wondering if you can help with an error diagnosis.  Ten minutes after I go to bed (very frustrating!) last night I have an issue I have never had before.  PHD2 lost it's lock, which put SGP into abort.  The frame before hand was a good 10 minute OIII capture and it changed filter to SII, re-focused (I use an OAG and autofocus when the filters change - normally makes the guiding go slightly funny but has never killed it before). The OAG is in front of the filter wheel in the imaging train so I can't see that the act of changing filter would have made a difference to the guiding at all...

    Here is my SGP log (https://jbconsult-my.sharepoint.com/:t:/g/personal/jbro1985_jbconsult_onmicrosoft_com/ETlde73yTHRBn0OTeM_BL9sB0CFCaY-P3NzzVmeuDoiKGg?e=aG1Bav).  The issue starts at :  [10/29/18 00:41:17.930][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] AF is complete, continuing sequence...

    Here is my PHD2 log (https://jbconsult-my.sharepoint.com/:t:/g/personal/jbro1985_jbconsult_onmicrosoft_com/ESsgHXBl_K5Brg4kYkDXLiEBeyP6eIBxdBZ0RArsx-PZFw?e=iKXpNW).  It looks to me like it's possible that the focussing may have interfered with the guiding on this occassion, which would be annoying...  Otherwise, the clouds rolled in although the image just before was very clear and the night itself was very clear.  If some one has the time, I'd appreciate it if they could take a quick look and let me know if they reach the same conclusion or if I'm missing something.  I am only just starting to analyse logs and I find them a little confusing.  

    All assistance appreciated as always.


    I think your problem might not have to do with PHD itself directly... it happens to me from time to time that vibrations from the filter wheel turning (especially if the destination filter is several slots away), is strong enough to make PHD loose its lock. If you have a long FL scope, any small vibration will impact the star and if on top of that the focus changes, then you might end up having this kind of problem.... I've been looking for a way to have SGP automatically stop guiding for a couple of seconds before moving the filter wheel and resume after a few seconds to allow for settling (or after autofocus), but I haven't found a way... :(

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