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Posts posted by jburley

  1. Thanks for the reply! I had assumed that the backlash would show itself in the few seconds after movement, and wouldn't continue for 3-5 minutes (and then stop entirely for the remainder of the tracking), but I may completely misunderstand it. 

    I'll try for the full 360 rotations as well (haven't heard any sound issues, and the whole setup is only a few months old). The other suggestions... phew, may be out of my ability, but will keep it in mind when all else fails!

  2. Until last night everything mostly worked great with my Celestron Evo 8 w/ Starsense. It would auto-align great (using hand controller only), I'd add some additional reference points, go-to my target, and it would mostly stay still (though I couldn't really do exposures for 30s+ without seeing some drift/doubling in images).

    However, last night it would go-to target and have it nicely centered in frame... and then for the next 3 minutes or so it would drift very quickly (you could easily see it continuing to move in captures) until the target was all the way at the edge (or off) the frame... and then it would stabilize! In fact, it would be so stable and tracking well that I could do much longer exposures with no star drift. But... didn't matter much as my target was off-frame by the time it stabilized.

    Any ideas?

    Things I tried

    • Added additional reference points
    • Recalibrated the starsense with a known target, re-ran autoalign
    • Reset several times


  3. Old thread, but I'm having this exact same problem and haven't been able to resolve it. I'm actually in California, so any of those default settings would have even worked for me ;)

    I have a StarSense now, but prior to that:

    1) Set up scope with SkyPortal, did "three bright object" alignment, worked well!

    2) Next night... tried Align via app, and it kept saying I was too far from the selected star (didn't know why it was even trying to align on a named star?)

    3) Set up HC... HC worked great. Alignment, Goto, all worked.

    4) Connect'd with SkyPort, said "Goto Sirius" -- and it went in a totally different direction.

    Tried reinstalling app, clearing cache, etc. Confirmed the App had my time and lat/lon fine. Confirmed that the HC also had the correct lat/lon.

    Well, heard about StarSense and couldn't help myself.

    StarSense working well (though I could use some practice with reference points and another calibration)... but, connecting with the App resulted in the same problem. Confirmed time, lat/lon, confirmed that the app had StarSense selected in the telescope settings. Hit "Goto Sirius" and it... went in the opposite direction.

    Any pointers? Thanks!


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