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Posts posted by Fuzzyjack

  1. I use my ASI224 with a 1250mm SCT so about the same focal length as the 127L but I do find that there is a difference in the focus between that and a 25mm eyepiece especially if I don’t use the star diagonal because of the change in back focus.

    Even with the camera just swapped out for the eyepiece on the diagonal there is a difference.  I haven’t tried the sun as I don’t have the filters etc.

    The FoV for the 224 with the Sun will just fill the screen if you are lined up right.   http://astronomy.tools/calculators/field_of_view/?fov[]=45||266||1|1|0&solar_system=sun

    So it could just be the focus and getting washed out with the sun.  It could also be the exposure/gain or white balance settings.   I had fun the other day when I used it on a different computer and for some reason the default white balance settings even on a clean install of the ASI software meant I had 0 red/blue and the whole screen was just green.   I guess if the settings are all the way up you could just be getting a screen full of white instead?

    The focus difference without the diagonal is huge and if I “just pop the camera in because SCTs are forgiving” as some other posts have suggested the stars are big blobs/rings until you wind the focus in quite a lot.  I can then see stars a lot smaller and more or less in focus but I have extensions on order to try and get the back focus to the optimal focus of the scope.   The back focus from the front of the 224 is 12.5mm, my scope wants 127mm so I definitely need to add a bit to get to the prime focal point. 😉

  2. As expected Celestron responded with:

    "Good afternoon Chris,  Unfortunately, there is no wedge option for the Astro Fi telescope series.    Celestron Technical Support"

    So getting a proper EQ mount may be the only option.  


    Subject to getting stock back in anywhere (due to Covid I believe) and what weight your setup is there are some good GoTo GEM options.  e.g. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/computerised-goto-astronomy-mounts/skywatcher-eq3-pro-synscan-goto.html

  3. Hi Oliver...   I also got an Astro Fi scope recently (the 5" SCT), nice kit/prices for a beginner and should be great for the moon and planetary short exposure and video but I also want to look at some longer exposure astro photography and as it's an Alt-Az mount it won't cope with the field rotation.

    I am also considering a wedge as an alternative to a whole new mount as I like the GoTo capability but the GEM mounts for that are £800-900+.    Celestron do a couple of wedges but it's not clear if these would be compatible with the Astro Fi mount.   I've asked tech support the question so I'll respond on here if I get an answer.

    If it won't take a wedge then one option may be the Advanced VX mount and tripod (https://www.firstlightoptics.com/advanced-vx-goto/celestron-advanced-vx-mount.html) instead of the basic one but this comes with a hand controller rather than the Wifi so it woulnd't be controlled with the iPad etc without adding a wifi module (another £139).   At least the scope itself can be fitted and used even if the tripod becomes defunct and useless.

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