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Everything posted by Snowfun

  1. Hi Marvin, Apologies - here is a much smaller version. This is only the second astro image I have taken. I'm not looking to take the "best" images but just to get an image of the object. So this satisfies my ambition. Very cheap setup. Very simple to do. I suspect the law of diminishing returns kicks in fairly soon... Best regards, Tim
  2. My 2nd image. Redcat 51, Sony A6000 & Lightrack. 65x120s plus 15 darks. ACD8CF82-E566-4EC9-9B24-2DCEC3A57853.tiff
  3. Snowfun


    Thank you for your welcome. Much appreciated. T
  4. Snowfun


    Hello everyone! During lockdown I set myself an ambition to take a photo of M31. So I purchased a Fornax Lightracker plus a Redcat and used a Sony A6000. I got my photo! (Used APP for processing) And quite enjoyed the process. So much so that I’m going to continue with the hobby. Next stop the Horsehead. Going to start to play with full spectrum (I had another A6000 lying around) and filters. Nothing serious - just to play. Lots of interesting stuff to read here! If only the sky would clear...
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