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Posts posted by Panda

  1. Idk if you solved your issue or not but I have a d3500 and I specifically bought it becauses it was relatively inexpensive and I wanted to get into astro. In doing so you do find out alot of things you can't do. I have qdslrdashboard and this is the closest you'll get to controling the camera thru another device, I use my android which is a samsung s10 plus. Funny because my s20 plus is taking phenomenon pictures thru a Meade ext70 cause of pro mode where you can get long exposures.

    I'll tell you this. I don't regret buying the d3500 because it's made me better in alot of things because in order to get this to work you got to be diligent and crafty. I prob would only ever recommend this camera for wide field astro and milky way. If you have a eqmount or a ioptron skyguider or sky watcher equivalent then you'll get nice pictures.

    Using it for DSO, well maybe not thru a scope. I k ke if you want to do that look for a fast refractor, you'll want something like f5. It prob can take great pictures you just can't obtain those pictures as easily as better cameras and it forces you to learn everything about it and new ways of doing things by experimenting, once I do have the money to upgrade I def will but I am still in the beginning phase specially when acquiring new gear. I'm obsessed with this so I know any money is money well spent. I'm also thing about making a mobile stacking aligning plate solving software I can use cause my samsung s10 plus is pretty damn good lol 

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