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Everything posted by JoeRPatrick

  1. So I had a look for myself and took the cover off the DEC motor. The gears had a fair bit of play so I adjusted the screws and nudged things about a bit and now it seems to have a fair bit less play. Going to have to wait to Wednesday by the looks of it for a clear night to see if this actually makes any difference though
  2. Managed to fix it. The rubber end cap thing had just slid partially off the metal rod so the whole thing was "falling" into the scope. Once I put the end cap back on properly it was all working fine and not moving in/out. Essentially, the metal rod is supposed to be "fully" pulled out, then the rubber end cap needs pushing all the way in so it's touching the o-ring seal, this stops the whole thing from moving back in.
  3. As you can see in the attached video, the focuser on my mak slides in and out. This can happen even if not pulled on - it can slide in/out just due to gravity. Anyone know how to fix this? Video: 20210118_001852.mp4
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