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Valter Reis

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Posts posted by Valter Reis

  1. Hello,

    Finally i found someone having a simillar issue with an eq3 pro! 😀 im not crazy, after all!!

    I bought mine in May last year and this PSU (https://www.firstlightoptics.com/zwo-accessories/zwo-12v-5a-ac-to-dc-power-supply-adapter-for-cooled-cameras.html). I use my mount with this PSU plugged to the house main and until last week never had any issue. A few weeks ago i accquired a Stellarmate and configured everything and started practicing indoor with controling the mount and cameras remotely.

    At the days went by, several problems appeared. Mount started making loud sound when slewing, cameras worked one time, didn´t work other and the mount also started to having "motor issues", not slewing and in the planetarium program it appeared as slewing. 

    So, i disconnected the Stellarmate and went reverse to how i operated the mount before, with the handset. Guess what happened??... That´s right...nothing! now the mount doesn´t respond to the handset. i do all the procedure and when the mount goes for first star in the polar allingment, the mount doesn´t move, but the handset behaves like she´s moving.

    A lot of hours trying to know what was wrong and causing all this and today, in a final resource before sending the handset and motor controller to FLO, i connected the mount with the cigar plug to my car and magic!! It worked normally as it always worked with the other PSU.

    And before someone asks, when i used the handset with the PSU, ive checked more than once the power information and it was always around 11,3V and it still does. But today, when i used the cigar plug PSU, the mount says it´s around 13,2V. Now im trying to find a 12V 10amp power supply adapter to see if the mount will work with it or hope for FLO to send me a new one.

    Either way, i´ve read some posts here and information on other forums and seems to me that there´s a lot of doubts on what specs sould be used for powering a EQ3 Pro.

    My advice is for you to try powering the mount with the cigar plug adapter and see what happens.


    Clear skyes!



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