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Everything posted by WormHole

  1. Hi All I am trying to download DSS and all I can find is a live version. Is there anything else, i cant even see the screen, black writing on a dark background is horrible. And I really do not want to use live. Is anything else available. Version is 4.2.3 and 4.2.6 for 32 and 64 bit I also downloaded the source files, but dont see a setup or install.exe or anything like?
  2. Has anyone ever had RA n Dec cable problems with this skywatcher. A few months ago it was grinding like the gears were not meshing. Then found out it was the Dec cable. Changed it and was OK. Since then I've used it about 6 times and now I can get any power into the motors. I was on a power tank and the mains with an adapter. Nothing, so not able to find or track anything. Seriously fed up and gutted I actually bought this rubbish.
  3. Thank you, I will try this again and see if I can get it. Will update the app too. Thank you I just got the 1.19 and see advanced, turn on observe sun. Brilliant. Can't wait for another cloud free day to try it.
  4. Thank you, I will try this again and see if I can get it. Will update the app too. Thank you
  5. Hello all I just spent 3 hours trying to use the WiFi app on my phone to track the sun. I am using a solar astrozap filter. But the app did not allow me to stack the sun. Us this possible.
  6. Thank you, that helps a lot and explains what I needed to know. I just need to know where data comes from and what it represents. So a big Big help, thank you.
  7. Can anyone help, on page 101 of this incredible book. It states bit levels. 12 bit is 2 to the 12th power etc. What does 2 represent. Thanks in advance.
  8. Thanks, I don't use iPhone but other half does. I will ask her if she can run it for me. Its now avail for android it it. I had a synscan Pro app but the ssid is hidden. Was going to try a laptop. I just wanted to work it out before opting for a laptop.
  9. Hi all, the alingnment part on a Skywatcher 200p with eq5 synscan Pro goto, is doing my head in. Is it essential the use the polaris viewer and be able to actually see polaris as it's hidden by my neighbours house. Atm, it's not a problem as we've had hardly any cloud free nights this year. I just wondered if I get the coordinates and type them in, will that work.
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