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Everything posted by Dai1984

  1. Ha! Fantastic. Much better, my 20mm arrived which is helping too. Still struggling to get anything much further away but it is very foggy. Just to confirm everything should be upside down yeah? 😆 Feel slightly more confident I'll catch the next moon now at least.
  2. Hi Both, thanks for your replies. Yes I can get the rose perfectly in focus.
  3. Ah great, I'm hoping with the new eye pieces I can self sort it 🤞
  4. Hi all, Newbie here, Been gifted a banged up Tasco 114mm x 900mm. Only eye piece i have is the 12.5mm Battling in the day to get focus at distance. (Too cloudy for moon so far and no chance at stars the way it is) I've corrected the collimation, everything now centred. The only thing at so far I've managed to get in focus is a rose 20m from the house in a bush. I'm aware that's far too close but it is in perfect clarity so at least it's not totallybust I feel. Anything I'm trying further out just appears not be made out at all can adjust focus no problem (Rose head in and out of focus no problem). No Barlow attached. (P.S I've ordered some new eye pieces including a 20mm) Anything to help would be so helpful. Many thanks Dai
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