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Posts posted by Powdergnome86

  1. Hi fellow astronomers,

    Today I picked up a GSO alt-az mount and tripod to use as a grab and go setup for purely visual astronomy with my 8" GSO classical Cassegrain. 

    Im looking for advice as to possible options I have for mounting the scope as the mount didn't come with a standard saddle and im unsure of what actually mounts to it. (Previous owner said his scopes dovetail holes line up)

    1. Just buy a new saddle such as the red one in the images (I'd rather mount to a losmandy dovetail and this saddle can do both)

    2. Drill and tap holes in the stock losmandy dovetail, although this won't allow for weight adjustment.

    3. Work out some form of adaptor to go between mount screws and scopes dovetail.

    Thoughts and suggestions welcomed. PS sorry for the pics, camera in phone isn't as young as it used to be.

    Cheers and clear skies,



  2. Hey guys,

    I'm looking to upgrade my tripod and have been thinking of just biting the bullet and getting a Berlebach. 

    Choice for me seems to be between this: 


    Or the Report 112:


    Mount will be a Giro Ericole and main scope will be a GSO 8" Classical Cassegrain. It will also double as a photo tripod for landscape shots as well. 

    I would rather the Franz edition but not sure if the leveling head will be impacted by the alt az mount movement. 

    Thoughts and suggestions welcome

    Cheers and clear skies,


  3. Good evening all,

    I currently own a 102 Mak Cass with its 25mm stock plossl.

    Coming in the mail I have an ES 24mm 68° ep and an ES 2x focal extender.

    However, after much thought, I also went a bit bonkers and bought a GSO 200mm classical (2436mm FL, F/12) Cassegrain which will hopefully turn up in the next day or so. Now this scope only comes in the box with its focuser (2" with 1.25" adaptor).

    Now down the road I'm thinking I will invest in a Baader T2, so I can change the nosepiece and EP holders to suit whatever size I need.

    But for now, even the 25mm makes for a small FOV and 100x power. In time I will invest in a 50mm (2") EP to help widen/lower. I only have a 1.25" diagonal available, so I was thinking of getting a 40mm super plossl (apparently a 52°) to help bridge the gap in the mean time. Then a ES 16mm 68° ep

    I think these will also help the 102. For the time being these are both visual scopes.

    Am I on the right path or are there other options that could be more beneficial? 

    Thank you for reading my saga, and for any feedback.

    Cheers and clear skies,


  4. Looking to get a not so common Cassegrain, with the above mentioned both being possibilities. 

    Going to be primarily used for visual but with occasional DSLR being attached to the back of it.

    Planetary, clusters and bright DSO's will be main targets, as I live in Bortle 5 area, with the odd trip out to darker skies. 

    8" is captures more light, but the TAL sounds like a good investment in optics.

    Thoughts and opinions welcomed.

    Cheers and clear skies,


  5. Hi everybody,

    Looking at buying a second hand scope. One of the scopes I am looking at is said to be mounted on an "Williams optics EQ5 mount"... Yet using Google to try and research I can't find any info. I can't get to view the scope yet, so am unable to verify the accuracy.

    Do these exist or is it just the seller is possibly mistaken? 

    Clear skies to you all. 

  6. If I may draw on some of your experience Steve.

    Have you used your 200k as visual only or tried AP with it? 

    My next planned purchase was to be a 200/1000 f5 newt. I know these are totally different animals. I like the idea of the physically shorter scope but I wonder does the trade in aperture change much?

    Also I've included a photo. The scope comes on an EQ5 (according to the seller). But this doesn't seem to be an original mount to me? 

    I've heard a good 6" with good quality optics can last a lifetime, and it sounds like the TAL should have better optics over a mass produced Synta... My other thought (although beyond my budget at the moment) had been an Intes Mak-Newt. I think I have a Cassegrain problem lol. 

    Thank you for listening to the rambles and to any further advice you provide.


    s-l400 (2).webp

  7. Hey guys,

    I have an opportunity to potentially pick up a TAL 150K. I know these are a different style of Cassegrain. Seems to be somewhat of a rare scope, and I like the idea of having something a bit different. From what I've read they can have focuser issues but otherwise a solid Russian tank of a scope. 

    My only other scope at the moment is an Orion 102 Mak, so I don't know if the difference in visual will be highly different. 

    Is it worth grabbing, just for the sake of owning one? 

    Clear skies (well not for me tonight) 

  8. Thank you for the feedback guys.

    Part of me is thinking I may go down the Bintel (gso) route just to try it out.  I wonder if the cooling fan is supplied as a trade off because it's not higher quality glass.... That said I know in the research I have been doing that Orion Optics (UK) also come with mounted cooling fans.

    My housemate was saying to me before that telescope shopping sounds like walking into a fish market and saying you would like a "fish"... Only to discover just how many different ones there are. 

    I encountered a new type last night, the Klevstov Mak, oh and RC's as well... Both outside my budget at the moment.

    Hope you are keeping well wherever you may be and clear skies 





  9. Looking for advice as to optic comparison between the 200/1000 dual speed Newtonians

    I know Saxon and Skywatcher are made by Synta in China, Bintel is made by Guan Sheng in Taiwan. 

    Bintel says it's mirror is Bak 7, but I can't find any quality on the other two aside from they are parabolic. 

    Bintel also has a cooling fan included. However it's also the cheapest of the three in Australia

    All three are capable of astrophotography.

    Just wondering if people have experience with the Bintel and which would you choose and why? 



  10. Hey guys,

    Looking at getting my first DSLR. My partner has a 80d, but I'd rather grab my own to play with in case I drop it. Looking to just do some wide field shots, but also want to attach it to my 102 mak and when I get to it a 150 or 200pds.

    Just curious as to opinions and pro and cons on the titled cameras (20d vs 300d) 

    Thanks in advance

  11. Thanks for the reply and recommendations Jonathan. I'll look into the diagonal.

    Part of my idea behind the 8x50 was in the future if I get a 150/200mm newt then the finder scope can also be used on that as well. (Have a carry case with finder scope, eyepieces and filters.) The Mak has a 6x26 straight through stock, which does an ok job. I also have two pairs of binoculars (7x50 & 15x70). Which often during my sessions I'll scan with the bins, find something I want to look at, then line up the scope. But I'm finding it a little trickier on dimmer targets to go from bins to finder scope

    I had also been considering a variable polarising filter.... Maybe one day I'll have one of everything hahaha


  12. Hey Guys,

    I've been compiling a list of things I'd like to get to help max out my Orion 102 Mak Cass as a grab and go setup. 

    (102 mm, 1300mm FL, F 12.7, 1.25") 

    List so far:

    ES 68° 24mm (for lowest/mid power, wide field)

    ES 68° 16mm (for mid/high power, wide field) 

    ES 2x Focal extender

    Baader T2 90° prism diagonal

    An 8x50 Raci finder and possibly some filters such as a DGM Npb, and something for the moon etc as well

    This gives me powers of 54x, 81x, 108x and 162x

    Thoughts and opinions welcome. Are these overboard for a 4" scope? 



  13. Thanks Pixies,

    Yeah PDS is AP oriented. My reasoning had been I was thinking of a decent apperture, not to large for transport, not to big on AZ or EQ mounts, has the 2" dual speed focuser and AP capable (coma correcter is needed) 

    That's why I thought the ES may be an ok investment as it is very close to max FOV on the 102, but slightly higher zoom (see screenshot below for FOV, according to sky safari anyways)

    I tend to be someone who likes the middle ground, that's why I thought Baader, out does the celestrons etc, but not as crystal (or pricey) as a Pentax. 


    Screenshot_20201217-185442_SkySafari 6 Pro.jpg

  14. Thanks for the welcome,

    The 102 only has a 1.25" back on it and still using the stock 45° prism at the moment. Once the 150 arrives, I will probably use the 102 as a grab and go scope, and with the slower f ratio it's better for planets and lunar. I think in the long run DSO's will be main stream focus and the 150 even gives me the ability to start down the AP rabbit hole. 

    I wear glasses (longsighted, +7 lens) however I also seem to be able to adjust focus to correct image if I'm not wearing them, however this is just with the 25mm plossl and my binoculars, not sure if this changes as I reduce the focal length. 

    Ultimately down the road I will probably get both EPs, I am thinking the Baader may be a good start point, I can always use the binoculars to view wide field in the meantime.

    Thank you for the feedback

  15. Hey guys,

    I am buying my "first" telescope in the near future (SW 150/750pds), although it's not available in my area till March. In the mean time I found a local, secondhand Orion 102 Mak. 

    After starting with 15x70 binoculars, with its stock 25mm plossl has made me go wow and I'll never forget seeing Saturn's rings for the first time. Now I'm thinking I'd like to start getting another EP.

    I am leaning towards either:

    ES 24mm 68°


    Baader 8-24 mk iv

    These help max out the range of the 102, and please feel free to leave opinions, but I'm hoping they can both be good on the 150 in the future. 

    The Baader is more versatile, but the ES gives me a good wide field, with more power then the binoculars.





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