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Posts posted by paulhummerman

  1. Thanks Dom for confirming my hunch. Next question -what can I do about it? Nicest would be if AsiAir had a setting one could change from Eq to AZ, so one could at least properly control the scope and use at least some of the nice features. Maybe I should get a wedge, though everyone seems to say that's a poor substitute for a proper equatorial mount.

  2. I also have a Celestron 6SE, the same camera and an ASIAIR pro, which provisionally I've just mounted on the tube using duct tap. At the moment I have several problems. (1) the wifi signal is weak, so I added an extender, connected by an ethernet cable (2) the wires going to the Asiair tend to get wrapped around the telescope - especially when it slews by a large amount (I find that often instead of moving 10 degrees to a target it will often slew 350 degrees in the opposite direction. (3) although I can manually slew the scope using the 4-arrow Asiair display I find it doesn't work right. Note that the 6SE has an AZ mount while the Asiair is primarily intended for equatorial mounts. I use it mainly for the wifi and camera control. I first do a 3-star (skyalign) align using the handset. This works reasonably well in providing go-TO to the desIred object and gives pretty good long-term tracking. But when I switch from the eyepiece to the camera I have to recenter the object (mainly because the FOV is smaller), and while I would prefer to do this inside my warm house  using the Asiair controls (main reason I got it!) the moment I adjust the centering the object starts to drift off. The only way to stop this is to switch off the tracking on the Asiair then switch it back on again - by which time I need to recenter again! So I end up having to go outside again and recenter using the 6SE hand-controller. Very annoying. Perhaps it's because the asi-air thinks I have an equatorial mount (but that does not fit with the initial good tracking, which is definitely  going through the asiair because drift starts immediately I switch off the tracking on the asiair.

    By the way I was born in Leeds and grew up in Wakefield!

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