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Posts posted by Brownthunder93

  1. Thanks all,

    By the looks of it, I’m gonna have to go via the VNC route, but does anyone control it using a mirror app on iPad?

    Also, the problems with the stellarmate app, are they purely connectivity based and if so, would a wifi extender for the RPi help? 

  2. Hi all,

    Before I take the plunge and buy everything, I have a few questions with regards to using StellarMate software and a raspberry pi 4.


    Basically is as follows:

    1. When downloading the StellarMate OS for use on the RPi 4, are you still able to use the app to control everything?

    2. When using the RPi 4 and StellarMate with mount and cameras, does it accept webcams for use as guide cams, or does it only accept known brand guide cams?

    3. Are there any restrictions on what tablets can run the StellarMate OS? (I currently have an iPad Air 1st gen).

    4. This is my first foray into RPi computers (it is something I’ve wanted to get into for a long time and I’m fairly tech savvy). Is this a fairly easy project to get started on?

    5. I hear about astroberry a lot and the fact that it is free. But which is better? Specifically for control via a tablet (I have to travel to setup so I don’t particularly want to have to carry around a laptop with me, if I can avoid it!)


    Any help is greatly appreciated!

  3. Hi all,

    anyone have any experience of using the Monochrome function on new DSLR cameras with filters at all? I’d rather not have to buy a new camera when I can use the one I have, but I’m getting some CA even with a semi-apo filter. I have the startravel 120t and it is excellent for getting DSO shots (I managed a beautiful picture of M42, and a slightly out of focus M51, but everything was really clear except the stars), but I really want to get as much data as possible using LRGB or narrowband filters, and as said earlier, don’t really want to shell out for a new camera as well.


    Any advice is appreciated, but I won’t be getting a new scope any time soon.

  4. 3 hours ago, Nicola Hannah Butterfield said:

    I got a 200p last January, the first thing I did was a decent 'ish mount, in my case an EQ6 Pro, a lot of money for me as I don't work, so I understand that bit. On a decent mount the 200p is a capable telescope for photography (winds aside) over the last year I have invested in a cheap guide scope and camera. I planned on 4 hrs of data for this image but only got 75 mins, due wind early on and cloud throughout the session.


    Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to be able to use my light bucket for imaging, but it’s cheaper for me to find an imaging scope to take out with me on my EQ5 than it is to buy a new mount for the 200p, so I’m keeping it for visual use

  5. 5 hours ago, fifeskies said:

    You do not need large aperture for imaging DSO, 72mm or 80mm is plenty and that may mean you can afford a decent used ED 2nd hand scope.

    Large objects like M31 also need the wide field of view these scopes have to get it all into a single frame.

    It reduces the demands on tracking as well so you will probably get better results than the longer heavier 120mm.



    Below are images taken with an 80mm scope






    m31 from friday.jpg

    North America Nebula 5 nov 2020_TUT-vert_40.jpg

    Unfortunately, I am unable to pick up an ED scope for sub £100 like I can with the evostar, because obviously that would be the goal 😂

  6. Ok, so I'm gonna preface this by saying I do not have the money for an Apo refractor, whatsoever, and won't for a little while due to COVID decimating my savings, and my sh***y wage from working in healthcare 😂


    Basically, I currently have a 200p sat on an EQ5 mount. Now, I know that this is too heavy for imaging, and I cannot use it with my current camera setup (DSLR) without the tracking being all over the shop.


    So, I have the opportunity to pick up a used Evostar 120 Achromatic. I understand that there's going to be a lot of CA, so I'm going to image in NarrowBand using a mono cam, instead of my DSLR.


    Basically, I want to know whether I should be able to image with this setup, and get somewhat decent results when shooting DSO's. I am hoping to (once this terrible british weather clears up) capture all of the Messier Catalogue, as well as doing some planetary imaging later on in the year.


    Any input would be appreciated 😁

  7. On 18/01/2021 at 02:10, John said:

    It is not a Skywatcher EQ5 mount, old or new. It is closer to an EQ3-2 but not the same design. A different manufacturer. It looks very similar to this one:








    Ahh great, good to know you can never trust a Chinese site to tell you the truth about what they are selling! 😂


    So I’m now gonna start looking for a new mount!

  8. Ok, so this is gonna be a long one so bear with me 😂

    I recently picked up a vision king 8” newt, complete with an old style EQ5 mount for £120. I have a few questions and I hope someone can answer them.


    first off, the old EQ5 mount has no mounting plate that I can connect a dovetail to, it’s just a plate with some screws on them to mount the rings directly to, similar to what you’d find on the Skywatcher 130EQ2 setup. Is there anyway to change this so that I can mount my scope with a dovetail so it’s easier to set up and strip down?


    Secondly, the mount is without tracking. Now it looks like an EQ5, and all the bits are in the right place for an EQ5, definitely not an EQ3-2 but I’m sincerely hoping that I’m right. I’ve just bought an EQ5 go to upgrade kit, so I hope that works, has anyone got any experience installing this kit onto an older EQ5?


    Thirdly, I intend on imaging, and I’m aware that the scope is going to be too heavy for the mount to image with, so I’m going to downsize to a 6” scope. But in the mean time, is it worthwhile changing anything on the scope itself to boost its potential market value afterwards? Like changing the focuser etc?


    Fourthly, is there a way to change a rack and pinion focuser to a dual speed? I don’t particularly have the money to go out and buy a crayford, and if I can, it would be better for me financially to upgrade a R&P.


    Finally, does anyone have any experience with using visionking scopes? I ask because from my limited knowledge and use so far, it seems like a good scope, and given that it’s an 8” F/4 Newtonian and I paid a fairly low price for it, I’m a little loathed to get rid of it unless it’s pure garbage, which it doesn’t seem it is at the moment (but then again, I’m yet to use it for proper observing thanks to the sh***y weather we’ve had recently).


    Any replies are gratefully appreciated!

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