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Posts posted by Bobma

  1. Hi again, thanks for the welcome everyone.  
    As advised I have thrown out the sunfilter, it was cracked - an old floppy disk would have been more effective!

    i have read another SGL thread on the RET50 and everything thing mentioned there is true. (So I may end up buying something better)

    The viewfinder is misaligned and seems impossible to adjust, I think someone superglued the screws, but at least I know by how much and where to aim. 
    Moon looks ok, but can’t seem to focus on a star clearly, and don’t want to try collimating until I can find a manual for this specific type.

    I look forward to reporting any progress if we ever get clear skies now the snow has arrived in Switzerland.


  2. Just saying hello, 

    Always been interested in astronomy but have only now (at the age of 60) bought my first telescope. It’s from the “brockenhaus” for CHF80 and is a Bresser 45-5000 Type RET-50.

    114mm mirror and 1000mm Focal length eyepieces H6mm and HI 25mm, moon and sun filters.

    I will spend a few days setting it up, tripod and equatorial mount is done and balanced, but the photocopy of the manual is in German and very faded and difficult to read/translate. So a link to an English manual would be a good start .... Anybody? 

    I’m sure I will need to align the viewfinder and do some collimating.


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