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    Columbus, OH

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  1. I believe that the lead time for a Zambuto mirror in over a year now. I did want a complete OTA assembly. I am having a custom Dob mount made here in the US. I was attracted to the optics as well as the carbon fiber tube I.e. I am not going to spend thousands of dollars on a telescope with a glorified cardboard tube. Having said that i should have looked at truss designs a bit more although a 10" f6 is a bit long for a truss design. Thanks all!
  2. I will be taking a delivery of a CT10L soon to be used for visual observing. Orion Optics UK scopes are very rare in the US. Keeping in mind that the CT line is their premium line Newtonian (or ultra Newtonian as they call it) what sort of reputation do they have in the UK/ Europe? My primary motivation with going with this OTA is the optics quality. All comments (good and bad) are appreciated! Clear Skies!
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