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Everything posted by Mohib

  1. Thanks. I guess I’ll try to be patient. And maybe find a bright star.
  2. I am using a Nikon Z6 with William Optics Z61 II and a Radian triad ultra quad band filter. I had a good imaging session with it one night. I focused on the moon and I found that the stars were pretty sharp. However, during my second imaging session, my stars were a little bloated. Since, WO Z61 II comes with a Bahtinov mask I want to use it, but the problem is I can’t see any stars. Neither in live view nor in the live view mode of APT (which I think is the same). Can someone help me with tips on achieving a good focus with my current setup. Am I missing something? Should I first find a bright star, maybe Polaris, focus and then image my target?
  3. Thank you. It worked with the car socket. I’ll invest in a proper portable battery soon or get the AC/DC adapter.
  4. Thank you so much for the help. It is working with the car cig port. I’ll invest in a proper portable battery soon but thanks again for all your help. Clear skies!
  5. Thank you so much. I tried with the cig port and it is working.
  6. I don’t think I’ve. Is it mains to 12v DC? Can I try running with the car adapter that it came with?
  7. Maybe that’s the issue. This is what I’m using. I use this with my lightrack ii TalentCell Rechargeable 12V 6000mAh/5V 12000mAh DC Output Lithium Ion Battery Pack for LED Strip and CCTV Camera, Portable Li-ion Battery Bank with Charger, Black (Multi-led Indicator) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ME3ZH7C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_PWUTFb1Z30ZVY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  8. Yes it’s new. here’s the video of me just trying it with the hand controller. https://drive.google.com/file/d/14Ne7NRfUWYFdE50mssHk9fyc6sMS7UgN/view?usp=drivesdk
  9. Forgot to add, I turned on the mount. On the controller I pushed the arrow keys, nothing is happening. Yesterday I was able to select the slew rate but as of now, I’m not able to select. Is there anything I have to do prior to selecting the rate?
  10. Yes I tried that. Nothing happens. Just makes the same sound.
  11. I added another link in the comments. It’s a google drive link.
  12. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19k8sj6oDsp7m9IW0dbM492P7XyPFpVCz this is the video I took of my attempt to slew
  13. Yep I made sure they’re locked and it doesn’t slew. Please check the video I posted
  14. Do you mean manually? Unlocking the clutch then moving in both axis, then yes I’ve.
  15. I tried with 9 and nothing. Just makes the slewing sound and it doesn’t move. I’ll post a video of soon.
  16. On the controller I selected No to alignment and then selected the object. Controller says the mount is slewing but nothing happens. I tried directional keys as well. Nothing! It just makes the sound
  17. Yes they are. I tried with unlocked position as well.
  18. Hi, i recently got an HEQ5 mount and I tried to set it up today. I powered it and connected the hand controller but when I try to slew it to an object, it just makes the slewing sound but doesn’t do anything. I set up my lat, long etc on the SynScan. Any idea why?
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