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Iced Tiger

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Posts posted by Iced Tiger

  1. This is my first attempt at DSO imaging with my new set up. It has taken ages to get it all working so I have something to look at. I am still on the very steep learning curve of image capture and processing, used Snapseed after stacking with the ASI software.


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  2. 37 minutes ago, Jonny_H said:

    Nice.  If i decide to get the 91 the next tough decision will be the colour! 😆

    Out of interest did you also get the flat6iii flattener with your scope?  Interested to see the colour of that if so.  On Flo's website it shows the gold version but there is a bit of text that says that the colours in the image may differ for the FLT91 version.

    I did not get the flattener, I went for a red 91 to match my guide scope and camera’s. I looked at the flattener on the William Optics website and it looks all black. Might invest in one, FLO only have one in stock, I have emailed them asking what colour it is.

  3. Not managed to use my new FLT 91 yet, still waiting to source a Skywatcher EQ6 R Pro mount. When I looked at the fov it matched the Esprit 100ED I was also looking into buying for imaging. FLO had the FLT 91 in stock in red so I took the plunge, my guide scope is the William Optics 50mm with a ZWO 290MM and the main camera is a ZWO 294MC. 

  4. Thanks for the welcome gents, I am concentrating on the planets at the moment, Mars being visible most of the time. Waiting for a chance to observe the moon which should come on Wednesday.  I think I might suffer with light pollution as well, will have to see about galaxies further down the line.

  5. Hi from a cloudy west Lancashire, bought a Celestron Nexstar 8SE during the first lock down. I have been reading the forum for a while for hints and tips, so I thought I would join. Still on a steep learning curve and adding to the set up as I go. Already invested in a few bits and bobs, recent purchase of a Baader 2” star diagonal and some click lock adapters is on the way from FLO. Hope they turn up for Wednesday, looks like it will be cloud free over me.



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