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Posts posted by Maclean156

  1. I have the celestron power tank Pro. Mine only had 2 power lights lit up. I bought it from tring astronomy. They tested one in their shop and all OK so sent me that one and sent me a label to post faulty one back to celestron free of charge. From fault to receiving new one took two days so excellent service. 

    So pleased I bought this power tank as from all my research its one of the best on the market. Even though it cost over £200 in my opinion its excellent and highly recommended. 

    If you bought from a reputable dealer you will have no problem getting a quick replacement. 

  2. Hi. I've a celestron edge hd 8. I will be connecting my nikon d5100 dlsr via the diagonal with an adapter. Obviously the image is going to be tiny so I think a barlow is what is needed. 

    My question is what size barlow and what make of barlow should I get?

    Many thanks in advance


  3. Ah I see what you mean. So my edge adapter is for dso. Imagining via prime focus. 

    So for planets I need a t adaptor for 1 1/4 that fits my nikon(obviously I already have the nikon adaptor) . This then fits into my diagonal with the barlow. ....correct?

    So my next question is what barlow and what t adapter will fit together? 


    Thanks for all help so far guys

  4. If you look at my photo you will see the edge hd has a t adaptor that is specific to the edge hd 8. It is designed to give perfect back focus for a dlsr. It can also unscrew part of it so the 0.8 reducer can fit on and back focus stays the same. The answer I want is How do I connect a barlow or whatever to increase my image size with the celestron edge hd specific t adaptor? I do not want to buy a different adapter as the one I have is specifically made for the edge hd 8.


    This is the t adapter I have. 

  5. Hi. I've got an edge hd 8 and I've bought the edge hd 8 t adaptor so I can connect my dslr to it for taking pictures of planets. But pictures look so small so I need to somehow connect a barlow to the imagining train in prime focus. How do I do that? What barlow will fit the edge hd specific t adapter? 

    All very confusing lol. 


  6. Took it apart. Soon realised that the worm gear had sideways movement. There are no spacers, just a locking nut and an inner adjustment screw. Released the nut opposite gears and slightly screwed inner thread in until free movement was virtually gone then tightened up locking nut.


    Thanks Dobblob for pointing me in right direction. 

    Also adjusted the declination so it was easier to balance while I was at it



  7. Declination clutch fully engaged and tight. I have slight left and right movement until resistance is felt. No pressure needed to make this movement happen. Can see the top alignment mark moving slightly back and forth just by a couple of mm just by pushing either side of scope with the tiniest of pressure. 

    So annoying as don't really want to send scope back as other half threw out all the boxes lol

  8. Hi...last night I discovered a problem with my avx mount. With the clutch engaged on the declination I have about a couple of mm free movement when I check clutch. On hand control I get immediate movement of the declination but there is this slight free play. For example if I stop slewing and hold the counter weight bar I can easily make the scope move a little each way. 

    What's happening? 

  9. Hi everyone. I've been looking for a power tank for quite a while now as I am really getting into this amazing hobby and wanted to expand this away from my back garden. 

    Looked at lots of power tanks and did quite a lot of research. There were quite a few online ranging from cheap to very expensive. 

    In the end I have just bought a celestron Lithium Pro and I love it. I needed something that would last years, not have to worry if I didn't fully recharge it everytime like some and have the ability to power all my kit and now and in the future all night long easily. A big plus is that it's very lightweight. 

    It arrived this morning and seems a quality piece of kit. 

    In the last few months I've purchased a celestron avx with edge hd 8, starsense, various eyepieces, a polar master and now looking at a dedicated camera and dew heaters. 

    This power tank should easily cope with all that I'm sure. 

    Now I know it retails at nearly £260 and it took a while for me to take the plunge but I thought that as I've spent a lot on my kit I may as well power it all with a quality product. 

    It did help that I amassed a lot of points from my purchases with tring astronomy so I got it for under £200 so not too bad. 

    Will update in a while on how long this powers everything. 

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  10. Thanks for reply. I've an equatorial avx mount so hopefully that's good enough. So with my camera the focal length is correct with the t adaptor but if I connect the focal reducer I only use one part of t adaptor. 

    I plan to use the nikon for a month or two then get a zwo camera. 

  11. Hi again.....

    So I've read some threads and now a bit confused. Is the following right? I unscrew my diagonal and thread the t adaptor on then with my camera and t ring i attach this to the t adaptor. The reason I ask is because I've read that I've got to get a certain distance made up from where the t a adaptor joins to the sensor on the camera for it to focus properly. Is this correct? So confused now lol. As you can tell I'm new to this. 

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