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Posts posted by Bartman

  1. 37 minutes ago, badhex said:

    That's an impressive set for someone who is new to observing! Congrats! Jealous of the Baader diagonal, I keep thinking of upgrading to one but not sure I can justify it at the moment 🙂

    Yes, I kinda got a bit carried away quite quickly but I’m hoping they’ll do me for many years as long as I don’t drop them. The clicklock diagonal will help prevent accidents, it’s quality 👌🏻

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  2. 10 minutes ago, Louis D said:

    With the extremely long focal length of a C11 (2800mm), adding a tele-extender doesn't make much sense.  You'll already be working at powers that may be too high for typical UK seeing conditions with that 9mm.

    You might also want to investigate the APM XWA HDC eyepieces.  Reports here and on CN generally regard them as slightly sharper, lighter, and less costly than their ES-100 counterparts.

    At the other end of the power spectrum, you might want to consider a 56mm Meade 4000 Plossl or similar to get to a 5.6mm exit pupil for OIII filter usage at 50x.

    I know I’ll be pushing it with the 9mm for most nights but would be a nice option to have for those rare times? I will take a look at those eyepieces you suggest too, thank you. 

  3. I am looking at getting a few ES eyepieces for my CPC 1100 (F10). I looked at televue but can’t justify the extra cost when the ES ones should be more than good enough with this scope. I am wanting wide fields as obviously the scope naturally had a narrow FOV. I have a 2 inch clicklock visual back and 2 inch diagonal so I am thinking of the following and would like to hear people’s opinions on if you think these are a good choice/mix of eyepieces. 

    ES40mm 68 degree

    ES 30mm 82 degree

    ES 20mm 100 degree

    ES 9mm 100 degree.

  4. Hi all

    I am looking to add the Baader maxbright 2 binoviewer to my Celestron CPC1100 F/10. I am using a William Optics dielectric 2 inch diagonal at the moment. I know I can buy a 2 inch nosepiece for the binoviewer so my question is, is anybody else using this combo and achieving focus ok because of the quite long light path?


    I have spoken to the great people at FLO who think that it should be ok but there is a small chance it won’t be and I’ll have to change to maybe a baader diagonal with shorter light path and I’d rather not have to do that if I can help it!


  5. I have Helios Lightquest 16x70’s and on a tripod I can make out the rings of Saturn. Well, more like a disk round Saturn but still I am very impressed with them especially as I’ve read that it wasn’t possible with magnification under 20. The 4 main moons of Jupiter are clearly seen too. I had Celestron 15x70 but I sent them back after 1 day, you couldn’t make anything out in the night sky with them. Everything just looked like big grey golf balls but they would focus perfectly on buildings. I’m glad I spent the extra money on the lightquests. 

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Eddie Jones said:

    Hi Lee,

    Welcome, I'm near also near Holmfirth, we have the Huddersfield Astronomical Society nearby (now based in Lockwood,)  some great people there to learn from and get advise.


    We Just need the local lockdown to pass :(

    All the Best




    Hi Eddie. Yes I’m aware of this and it’s something I would like to pursue whenever you guys are up and running again. I visited the observatory at Crosland hill once many years ago but I understand that it’s not in use anymore?

  7. Hi everybody. I’m new to the forum. I’ve been interested in Astronomy for many years but not really done much with it apart from some very casual viewing with a small scope years ago and more recently with some decent binoculars and a tripod. I’m wanting to get into this hobby a little more seriously now and I will be investing in a scope at some point. I like the look of the Meade Lx90, probably the 10 inch version and hopefully I will try and maybe pick up a second hand one if I can find one at a decent price somewhere but I am also open to advice from the wise and experienced folk here! I’m in the Holmfirth/Huddersfield area and would be interested in tagging along with anyone local to me for some night sky viewing of this is ok? I look forward to speaking with you all and thanks in advance. Lee

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  8. Hi all. I’m new to the forum and I stumbled across this section. Is there anybody that lives in the Holmfirth/Huddersfield area? I’ve been interested in the night sky for years now but not done much serious observing and it’s something I want to get into more. I wouldn’t mind tagging along with you one evening to see a few things in the night sky if that’s ok. 
    Thanks in advance!

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